
Want to know what "ike" means in Igbo? View the translations below.


Translates to


the quality of being able to perform; a quality that permits or facilitates achievement or accomplishment


possession of controlling influence
"the deterrent power of nuclear weapons"
"the power of his love saved her"
"his powerfulness was concealed by a gentle facade"
possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done
"danger heightened his powers of discrimination"
a state powerful enough to influence events throughout the world


the property of being physically or mentally strong
"fatigue sapped his strength"
capability in terms of personnel and materiel that affect the capacity to fight a war
"we faced an army of great strength"
"politicians have neglected our military posture"
physical energy or intensity
"he hit with all the force he could muster"
"it was destroyed by the strength of the gale"
"a government has not the vitality and forcefulness of a living man"
Not to be Confused With

Jọn, onye ọkụ azụ, bụ onye naara anọ Jisọs nso mgbe nile. Nꞌakwụkwọ ya ọ kọwaara anyị ụdị ihunanya Jisọs nwere nꞌebe mmadụ nile nọ; ọ kọrọ akụkọ gosiri anyị ike dị ukwuu Jisọs nwere, na ọrụ ebube nile ọ rụrụ, si otu a kpugheere anyị na Jisọs bụ Ọkpara Chineke nꞌezie.

John, a fisherman, was always close to Jesus. In his book he describes the love that Jesus had for all people; it tells us the great power of Jesus, and the miracles he performed, thus revealing to us that Jesus is the true Son of God.

Ọ bụrụ na mmadụ esite nꞌike chọọ ka i soro ya gaa puku nzọ ụkwụ atọ, soro ya gaa puku nzọ ụkwụ isii, ma ọ bụrụ na nke a ga-eme ka udo dịrị.

If someone forces you to go with him for 3,000 miles, go with him for 6,000 steps, if this will bring peace.

Mmiri zosikwara ike nꞌelu ụlọ ahụ, idee mmiri sọkwara gburugburu ụlọ ahụ. Ifufe siri ike fekwara, ma ụlọ ahụ adaghị. Nꞌihi na e wuru ya nꞌelu nkume.

Rain on the roof also subsided, and floods surrounded the house. The strong winds blew, but the building did not collapse. Because it was built on a rock.

Mgbe ọtụtụ mmadụ hụrụ ihe Jisọs mere, akpata oyi pụrụ ha nꞌahụ nꞌihi egwu. Ha toro Chineke onye na-enye ụmụ mmadụ ike dị otu a.

When many people see what Jesus did, they may be shocked. They praise God, who gives such power to humans.

Mgbe Jisọs nụrụ ajụjụ ha, ọ zara sị ha, “Mkpa dibia adịghị akpa ndị ahụ dị mma. Kama ọ bụ ndị ahụ na-esighị ike ka mkpa dibia na-akpa.

On hearing their question, Jesus answered them, “Those who are strong have no need of a physician. Rather, it is only those who are vulnerable.

Ma o nwere otu nwanyị onye ahụ na-esighị ike. Nwanyị a anọọla nꞌọrịa a afọ iri na abụọ. Ọ bụkwa ọrịa ịgba ọbara nke na-adịghị akwụsị akwụsị ka ọ na-arịa. Nwanyị a sitere nꞌazụ bịaruo Jisọs nso, metụ ọnụ uwe ya aka.

But he had a weak woman. She has been living with the disease for 12 years. He also suffered from persistent hemorrhage. This woman from behind approached Jesus and touched the hem of his garment.

Ma ndị Farisii sịrị, “Ọ bụ ekwensu, eze ndị mmụọ ọjọọ na-enye ya ike ime ihe ndị a nile.”

But the Pharisees said, "He is a devil, the prince of devils gives him power to do all these things."

“Unu atụla egwu ndị pụrụ igbu nanị anụ ahụ unu, ma ha enweghị ike ịmetụ mkpụrụ obi unu aka. Kama onye unu ga-atụ egwu bụ Chineke nanị, onye nwere ike imebi anụ ahụ unu na mkpụrụ obi unu, tụbakwa ha nꞌọkụ ala mmụọ.

“Do not be afraid of those who kill your body, but are not able to touch your soul. Instead, the one whom you should fear is God alone, who can destroy your flesh and your soul and cast them into hell.

Site nꞌoge Jọn omee baptizim malitere izisa ozi ọma ruo ugbu a, ndị ụwa ji ike na-egbochi ọganihu alaeze eluigwe. Ma ọ bụkwa nanị ndị ọ na-anụ ọkụ nꞌobi na-eji ike abanye nꞌime ya.

From the time of John the Baptist began preaching until now, the world has been powerfully hindering the progress of the kingdom of heaven. But it is also the only people with whom he or she has a strong desire to enter it.

Ọ gaghị emegide ndị na-adịghị ike. Ọ ga-akwali ndị olileanya ha dị nta, tutuu ruo mgbe ọ ga-eme ka ikpe ziri ezi merie.

He will not oppose the weak. It will move those who have little hope, soften it until it triumphs, and justice prevails.

Dị ka unu kwuru, ọ bụrụ na m na-achụpụ mmụọ ọjọọ site nꞌike ekwensu, ọ̀ bụ nꞌike onye ka ụmụ unu ndị ikom na-achụpụ ha? Ya mere, ọ bụ ụmụ unu ga-ekpe unu ikpe nꞌihi okwu a unu kwuru.

As ye say, if I cast out the devil by the power of the devil, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore, it is your children who will be judged by you.

Ma ka m gwa gị eziokwu, aha gị bụ Pita, nke pụtara ma a sụgharịa ya, Nkume. Ọ bụkwa nꞌelu nkume a ka m ga-ewu ụlọ chọọchị m. Ike nile nke ọkụ ala mmụọ apụkwaghị iguzo megide ya.

And let me tell you the truth, your name is Peter, which means, translated, Stone. And it is on this rock that I will build my church. The powers of hell no longer can stand against it.

Mgbe ahụ Pita tiri mkpu nꞌoke olu sị, “Onyenwe anyị! Ọ dị mma ka anyị nile nọdụ nꞌebe a! Ọ bụrụ na ị ga-enye m ike, aga m ewu ọnụ ụlọ atọ nꞌebe a. Otu nꞌime ụlọ ndị a ga-abụ nke gị, otu nke Mosisi, nke ọzọ nke Ịlaịja.”

Then Peter cried out with a loud voice, “Lord! It is good that we all sit here! If you will give me the strength, I will build three rooms here. One of these houses will be yours, the one for Moses and the other for Elijah. ”

Nke a bụ ajụjụ m, “Ònye zitere Jọn omee baptizim, nye ya ike ime ndị mmadụ baptizim? Ọ bụ Chineke ka ọ bụ mmadụ?” Ndị isi ahụ gbarịtara izu banyere ajụjụ a. Ha kpebiri sị, “Ọ bụrụ na anyị asị na ọ bụ Chineke zitere ya, ọ ga-ajụ anyị ihe mere anyị ji jụ ịnabata ihe Jọn kwuru.

This is my question, "Who sent John to baptize, and give him power to baptize? Is God a human? ”The leaders consulted with him on this question. They reasoned, “If we say that he was sent by God, he will ask why we reject John's words.

Jisọs zara ha sị, “Ihe mere unu ji na-ejehie ụzọ bụ nꞌihi na unu aghọtaghị ihe akwụkwọ nsọ na-ekwu. Unu aghọtakwaghị ụdị ike Chineke nwere.

Jesus answered them, “Because you do not understand what the Scriptures say. You no longer understand the power of God.

Related Words
Near-By Words


Translates to


the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on
"he deserves a good kick in the butt"
"are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?"
Not to be Confused With
íkéstrength, ability, power

Ha sooro Jisọs bata nꞌụlọ ebe ọ nọ. Ọ jụrụ ha ajụjụ sị, “Unu kweere na m nwere ike ime ka unu hụ ụzọ?” Ha zara sị ya, “Ee, Onyenwe anyị, anyị kweere.”

They followed Jesus into the house where he was. He asked them, “Do you believe that I can see you?” They answered, “Yes, Lord, we believe.”

“Ọ dịghị onye ọ bụla pụrụ ife nna ukwu abụọ, nꞌihi na ọ ghaghị ịhụ otu nꞌime ha nꞌanya, kpọọkwa nke ọzọ asị. Otu a kwa i nweghị ike ife Chineke na ego otu mgbe ahụ.

“No one can serve two masters, for he must love one of them and hate the other. You cannot serve God and money at the same time.

Dị ka ọchịagha nke m bụ, ọ bụrụ na m asị onye agha nọ nꞌokpuru m bịa, ọ na-abịa, nꞌihi na ọ nọ nꞌokpuru m. Ma i nwere ike karịrị nke a ịchụpụ ọrịa ahụ na-enye ohu m nsogbu.”

As a commander I am, if I say to the soldier who comes under me, he comes because he is under me. But you can do better than that by removing my disease. ”

Onye ihu abụọ! Buru ụzọ wepụ ihe dị gị nꞌanya ka i nwee ike ịhụzi ụzọ ịtụpụ nke dị nwanne gị nꞌanya.

Hypocritical! First remove the items you love so you can see the way to look out of your brother's eye.

Emesịa, ha rutere obodo Gadarin, nke dị nꞌofe ọzọ nke osimiri ahụ. Nꞌebe ahụ, e nwere mmadụ abụọ bi nꞌebe a na-eli ozu. Ọ dịkwaghị onye na-esite ụzọ ahụ agafe, nꞌihi na ha na-akpa ike nke ukwuu.

They finally reached the city of Gadarin, which is on the other side of the river. There are two people living in the cemetery. No one can cross that road because they are too busy.

Ma ime ka unu mata na m nwere ike ịgbaghara mmadụ mmehie ya nꞌụwa a, ana m asị gị, nwoke, bilie, chịrị ute gị laa!”

But to show you that I can forgive this sin of the world, I say to you, man, arise, and take your bed! ”

Ma o nwere otu nwanyị onye ahụ na-esighị ike. Nwanyị a anọọla nꞌọrịa a afọ iri na abụọ. Ọ bụkwa ọrịa ịgba ọbara nke na-adịghị akwụsị akwụsị ka ọ na-arịa. Nwanyị a sitere nꞌazụ bịaruo Jisọs nso, metụ ọnụ uwe ya aka.

But he had a weak woman. She has been living with the disease for 12 years. He also suffered from persistent hemorrhage. This woman from behind approached Jesus and touched the hem of his garment.

Ana m ekwusi nke a ike na tutuu eluigwe na ụwa agabiga, ọ dịghị iwu ọ bụla ga-agafe ma o mezughị.

I assert this by saying that the universe is gone, no law can be passed without it.

Jisọs zara sị ha, “Ọ bụ nꞌihi na okwukwe unu nwere ehighị nne. Ọ bụrụ na unu nwere okwukwe nke dịkarịsịrị nta, nke ga-aha ka mkpụrụ mọsụtadị, unu nwere ike nye ugwu a iwu sị ya, ‘Site nꞌebe a wezụga onwe gị,’ ọ ga-apụkwa.

Jesus answered them, “Because you have little faith. If you have a faith that is too small, like a mustard seed, you can command this mountain, 'From here on out,' and it will disappear.

Ma Jisọs maara ihe ha na-eche nꞌobi ha. Ọ gwara ha okwu sị, “Mba ọ bụla ndị bi nꞌime ya na-alụrịta ọgụ enweghị ike ịdịgide ruo oge dị anya. Obodo ọ bụla, ma ọ bụ ezinụlọ ọ bụla e nwere nkewa na ịlụ ọgụ, nke ndị bi nꞌime ya na-egburita ibe ha, agaghị adịgide.

But Jesus knew what they were thinking. He told them, “No country in the world can fight for long. No city, nor any divided family, will ever live in it.

“Unu atụla egwu ndị pụrụ igbu nanị anụ ahụ unu, ma ha enweghị ike ịmetụ mkpụrụ obi unu aka. Kama onye unu ga-atụ egwu bụ Chineke nanị, onye nwere ike imebi anụ ahụ unu na mkpụrụ obi unu, tụbakwa ha nꞌọkụ ala mmụọ.

“Do not be afraid of those who kill your body, but are not able to touch your soul. Instead, the one whom you should fear is God alone, who can destroy your flesh and your soul and cast them into hell.

Ma ekuteere m ya ndị na-eso ụzọ gị ka ha gwọọ ya, ma ha enweghị ike ime ka ahụ dị ya mma.”

But I have asked your disciples to heal him, but they cannot heal him. ”

Ọ dịghị mmadụ ọ bụla pụrụ ịbanye nꞌụlọ nwoke dị ike kwakọrọ ngwongwo nile dị nꞌụlọ ahụ. Ma o nwere ike ime nke a ma ọ bụrụ na ọ ga-eburu ụzọ kee nwoke ahụ agbụ. Mgbe o kesịrị ya agbụ, o nwere ike ịbanye kwakọtaa ngwongwo nile dị nꞌụlọ nwoke ahụ.

No man could enter the house of a mighty man to plunder all the goods in the house. But he could do this if he would first bind the man. After being bound, he can enter and accumulate all the goods in the man's house.

Nꞌihi na ọ bụ eziokwu ka m na-ekwu mgbe m na-agwa unu sị, ọtụtụ ndị amụma na ndị ezi omume ka ọ gụrụ agụụ ịhụ ihe ndị a anya unu na-ahụ ugbu a, na ịnụ ihe ndị a ntị unu na-anụ, ma ha enweghị ike.

For I speak to you the truth, that many prophets and righteous men longed to see these things which ye now see, and to hear the things which are in your ears. meat, but they cannot.

“Ma onye ọrụ ubi ahụ sịrị ha, ‘Ọ dịghị! nꞌihi na mgbe unu na-achọ ifopụ ahịhịa ndị ahụ, unu nwere ike site nꞌamaghị ama fopụ ezi mkpụrụ.

“But the farmer said to them, 'No! because when you want to remove the weeds you can inadvertently remove the true seed.

Ma Jisọs zara sị ha, “Nꞌezie unu nwere ike ịṅụ site nꞌiko ahụ, ma ọ dịghị nꞌike aka m ịsị na unu ga-anọ nꞌaka nri m, ma ọ bụ nꞌaka ekpe m. Ọnọdụ dị otu a, nke unu na-arịọ, bụ nke Nna m debere iche nye ndị ọ họpụtara.”

And Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye may drink of the cup, but I cannot tell you to abide at my right hand, or at my left hand. Such is the position of which you are asking, which my Father has set apart to those whom He has appointed. ”

Jisọs zara sị ya, “Unu amaghị ihe unu na-arịọ ka m meere unu.” O chigharịrị lee Jemes na Jọn anya, jụọ ha ajụjụ sị, “Ùnu pụrụ ịṅụ site nꞌiko a dị oke egwu nke m ga-aṅụ?” Ha zara sị, “Ee, anyị nwere ike ịṅụ ya.”

Jesus replied, “You do not know what you are asking me to do for you.” He turned to James and John, and asked, “Can you drink from this terrible cup?” "Yes, we can drink it," he replied.

Ụfọdụ ka a mụrụ dị ka ndị na-enweghị ike ịmụta nwa site nꞌafọ nne ha. Ndị ọzọ dịkwa, ndị jiri aka ha họrọ na ha agaghị amụta ụmụ nꞌihi alaeze eluigwe. Onye ọ bụla pụrụ ịnagide okwu a, ya nagide ya.”

Some are born prematurely through their mother. There are others, who have chosen not to have children because of the kingdom of heaven. Anyone can put up with this. ”

Ma nꞌọnọdụ iwu a, unu na-ezi ndị mmadụ sị, ‘Ọ bụrụ na onye ọ bụla enwee ihe ọ ga-eji nyere ndị mụrụ ya aka, onye ahụ nwere ike ịjụ inyere ha aka ma ọ bụrụ na o kwuo na ihe ọ bụla o nwere bụ nke Chineke.’

But in the context of this rule, you teach people, 'If anyone has a reason to help their parents, that person can refuse to help if he says anything it belongs to God. '

Ma ka m gwa gị eziokwu, aha gị bụ Pita, nke pụtara ma a sụgharịa ya, Nkume. Ọ bụkwa nꞌelu nkume a ka m ga-ewu ụlọ chọọchị m. Ike nile nke ọkụ ala mmụọ apụkwaghị iguzo megide ya.

And let me tell you the truth, your name is Peter, which means, translated, Stone. And it is on this rock that I will build my church. The powers of hell no longer can stand against it.

Related Words
Near-By Words
íhúface, front
íkéstrength, ability, power


Translates to


the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on
"he deserves a good kick in the butt"
"are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?"
Not to be Confused With
íkéstrength, ability, power

Ha sooro Jisọs bata nꞌụlọ ebe ọ nọ. Ọ jụrụ ha ajụjụ sị, “Unu kweere na m nwere ike ime ka unu hụ ụzọ?” Ha zara sị ya, “Ee, Onyenwe anyị, anyị kweere.”

They followed Jesus into the house where he was. He asked them, “Do you believe that I can see you?” They answered, “Yes, Lord, we believe.”

“Ọ dịghị onye ọ bụla pụrụ ife nna ukwu abụọ, nꞌihi na ọ ghaghị ịhụ otu nꞌime ha nꞌanya, kpọọkwa nke ọzọ asị. Otu a kwa i nweghị ike ife Chineke na ego otu mgbe ahụ.

“No one can serve two masters, for he must love one of them and hate the other. You cannot serve God and money at the same time.

Dị ka ọchịagha nke m bụ, ọ bụrụ na m asị onye agha nọ nꞌokpuru m bịa, ọ na-abịa, nꞌihi na ọ nọ nꞌokpuru m. Ma i nwere ike karịrị nke a ịchụpụ ọrịa ahụ na-enye ohu m nsogbu.”

As a commander I am, if I say to the soldier who comes under me, he comes because he is under me. But you can do better than that by removing my disease. ”

Onye ihu abụọ! Buru ụzọ wepụ ihe dị gị nꞌanya ka i nwee ike ịhụzi ụzọ ịtụpụ nke dị nwanne gị nꞌanya.

Hypocritical! First remove the items you love so you can see the way to look out of your brother's eye.

Emesịa, ha rutere obodo Gadarin, nke dị nꞌofe ọzọ nke osimiri ahụ. Nꞌebe ahụ, e nwere mmadụ abụọ bi nꞌebe a na-eli ozu. Ọ dịkwaghị onye na-esite ụzọ ahụ agafe, nꞌihi na ha na-akpa ike nke ukwuu.

They finally reached the city of Gadarin, which is on the other side of the river. There are two people living in the cemetery. No one can cross that road because they are too busy.

Ma ime ka unu mata na m nwere ike ịgbaghara mmadụ mmehie ya nꞌụwa a, ana m asị gị, nwoke, bilie, chịrị ute gị laa!”

But to show you that I can forgive this sin of the world, I say to you, man, arise, and take your bed! ”

Ma o nwere otu nwanyị onye ahụ na-esighị ike. Nwanyị a anọọla nꞌọrịa a afọ iri na abụọ. Ọ bụkwa ọrịa ịgba ọbara nke na-adịghị akwụsị akwụsị ka ọ na-arịa. Nwanyị a sitere nꞌazụ bịaruo Jisọs nso, metụ ọnụ uwe ya aka.

But he had a weak woman. She has been living with the disease for 12 years. He also suffered from persistent hemorrhage. This woman from behind approached Jesus and touched the hem of his garment.

Ana m ekwusi nke a ike na tutuu eluigwe na ụwa agabiga, ọ dịghị iwu ọ bụla ga-agafe ma o mezughị.

I assert this by saying that the universe is gone, no law can be passed without it.

Jisọs zara sị ha, “Ọ bụ nꞌihi na okwukwe unu nwere ehighị nne. Ọ bụrụ na unu nwere okwukwe nke dịkarịsịrị nta, nke ga-aha ka mkpụrụ mọsụtadị, unu nwere ike nye ugwu a iwu sị ya, ‘Site nꞌebe a wezụga onwe gị,’ ọ ga-apụkwa.

Jesus answered them, “Because you have little faith. If you have a faith that is too small, like a mustard seed, you can command this mountain, 'From here on out,' and it will disappear.

Ma Jisọs maara ihe ha na-eche nꞌobi ha. Ọ gwara ha okwu sị, “Mba ọ bụla ndị bi nꞌime ya na-alụrịta ọgụ enweghị ike ịdịgide ruo oge dị anya. Obodo ọ bụla, ma ọ bụ ezinụlọ ọ bụla e nwere nkewa na ịlụ ọgụ, nke ndị bi nꞌime ya na-egburita ibe ha, agaghị adịgide.

But Jesus knew what they were thinking. He told them, “No country in the world can fight for long. No city, nor any divided family, will ever live in it.

“Unu atụla egwu ndị pụrụ igbu nanị anụ ahụ unu, ma ha enweghị ike ịmetụ mkpụrụ obi unu aka. Kama onye unu ga-atụ egwu bụ Chineke nanị, onye nwere ike imebi anụ ahụ unu na mkpụrụ obi unu, tụbakwa ha nꞌọkụ ala mmụọ.

“Do not be afraid of those who kill your body, but are not able to touch your soul. Instead, the one whom you should fear is God alone, who can destroy your flesh and your soul and cast them into hell.

Ma ekuteere m ya ndị na-eso ụzọ gị ka ha gwọọ ya, ma ha enweghị ike ime ka ahụ dị ya mma.”

But I have asked your disciples to heal him, but they cannot heal him. ”

Ọ dịghị mmadụ ọ bụla pụrụ ịbanye nꞌụlọ nwoke dị ike kwakọrọ ngwongwo nile dị nꞌụlọ ahụ. Ma o nwere ike ime nke a ma ọ bụrụ na ọ ga-eburu ụzọ kee nwoke ahụ agbụ. Mgbe o kesịrị ya agbụ, o nwere ike ịbanye kwakọtaa ngwongwo nile dị nꞌụlọ nwoke ahụ.

No man could enter the house of a mighty man to plunder all the goods in the house. But he could do this if he would first bind the man. After being bound, he can enter and accumulate all the goods in the man's house.

Nꞌihi na ọ bụ eziokwu ka m na-ekwu mgbe m na-agwa unu sị, ọtụtụ ndị amụma na ndị ezi omume ka ọ gụrụ agụụ ịhụ ihe ndị a anya unu na-ahụ ugbu a, na ịnụ ihe ndị a ntị unu na-anụ, ma ha enweghị ike.

For I speak to you the truth, that many prophets and righteous men longed to see these things which ye now see, and to hear the things which are in your ears. meat, but they cannot.

“Ma onye ọrụ ubi ahụ sịrị ha, ‘Ọ dịghị! nꞌihi na mgbe unu na-achọ ifopụ ahịhịa ndị ahụ, unu nwere ike site nꞌamaghị ama fopụ ezi mkpụrụ.

“But the farmer said to them, 'No! because when you want to remove the weeds you can inadvertently remove the true seed.

Ma Jisọs zara sị ha, “Nꞌezie unu nwere ike ịṅụ site nꞌiko ahụ, ma ọ dịghị nꞌike aka m ịsị na unu ga-anọ nꞌaka nri m, ma ọ bụ nꞌaka ekpe m. Ọnọdụ dị otu a, nke unu na-arịọ, bụ nke Nna m debere iche nye ndị ọ họpụtara.”

And Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye may drink of the cup, but I cannot tell you to abide at my right hand, or at my left hand. Such is the position of which you are asking, which my Father has set apart to those whom He has appointed. ”

Jisọs zara sị ya, “Unu amaghị ihe unu na-arịọ ka m meere unu.” O chigharịrị lee Jemes na Jọn anya, jụọ ha ajụjụ sị, “Ùnu pụrụ ịṅụ site nꞌiko a dị oke egwu nke m ga-aṅụ?” Ha zara sị, “Ee, anyị nwere ike ịṅụ ya.”

Jesus replied, “You do not know what you are asking me to do for you.” He turned to James and John, and asked, “Can you drink from this terrible cup?” "Yes, we can drink it," he replied.

Ụfọdụ ka a mụrụ dị ka ndị na-enweghị ike ịmụta nwa site nꞌafọ nne ha. Ndị ọzọ dịkwa, ndị jiri aka ha họrọ na ha agaghị amụta ụmụ nꞌihi alaeze eluigwe. Onye ọ bụla pụrụ ịnagide okwu a, ya nagide ya.”

Some are born prematurely through their mother. There are others, who have chosen not to have children because of the kingdom of heaven. Anyone can put up with this. ”

Ma nꞌọnọdụ iwu a, unu na-ezi ndị mmadụ sị, ‘Ọ bụrụ na onye ọ bụla enwee ihe ọ ga-eji nyere ndị mụrụ ya aka, onye ahụ nwere ike ịjụ inyere ha aka ma ọ bụrụ na o kwuo na ihe ọ bụla o nwere bụ nke Chineke.’

But in the context of this rule, you teach people, 'If anyone has a reason to help their parents, that person can refuse to help if he says anything it belongs to God. '

Ma ka m gwa gị eziokwu, aha gị bụ Pita, nke pụtara ma a sụgharịa ya, Nkume. Ọ bụkwa nꞌelu nkume a ka m ga-ewu ụlọ chọọchị m. Ike nile nke ọkụ ala mmụọ apụkwaghị iguzo megide ya.

And let me tell you the truth, your name is Peter, which means, translated, Stone. And it is on this rock that I will build my church. The powers of hell no longer can stand against it.

Related Words
Near-By Words
íhúface, front
íkéstrength, ability, power