
Want to know what "mmanya" means in Igbo? View the translations below.


Translates to


fermented juice (of grapes especially)
Not to be Confused With

Ọ dịkwaghị onye ga-etinye mmanya ọhụrụ nꞌime karama akpụkpọ ochie nꞌihi na karama ochie ahụ ga-agbawa mee ka mmanya ọhụrụ ahụ wufuo. Kama ọ dị mma itinye mmanya ọhụrụ nꞌime karama akpụkpọ ọhụrụ, nke ga-eche ha abụọ nke ọma.”

And no one puts new wine into old wineskins, because the new wine will burst the wineskins. But it is better to put new wine in new bottles, than both. ”

“Ugbu a geekwanụ ntị nꞌilu ọzọ. Otu nwoke dị nke nwere ala ubi. Nwoke a kụrụ osisi oroma nꞌubi a. Ọ gbakwara ubi ya ogige, wuokwa mbadamba ebe a ga-anọ mee mmanya nꞌime ya. O wukwara ụlọ nche nꞌime ya. Mgbe o mesịrị ihe ndị a, o weere ubi ahụ tinye nꞌaka ndị ga-elekọtara ya ubi ahụ, pụọ gaa biri nꞌala ọzọ.

“Now listen to another parable. There was a man who owned a plot of land. The man planted an orange tree in the garden. He also built his own garden and set up a wine cellar. And he built towers in it. After doing these things, he placed the garden in the care of the gardeners, and went away to live in another country.

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Translates to


fermented juice (of grapes especially)
Not to be Confused With

Ọ dịkwaghị onye ga-etinye mmanya ọhụrụ nꞌime karama akpụkpọ ochie nꞌihi na karama ochie ahụ ga-agbawa mee ka mmanya ọhụrụ ahụ wufuo. Kama ọ dị mma itinye mmanya ọhụrụ nꞌime karama akpụkpọ ọhụrụ, nke ga-eche ha abụọ nke ọma.”

And no one puts new wine into old wineskins, because the new wine will burst the wineskins. But it is better to put new wine in new bottles, than both. ”

“Ugbu a geekwanụ ntị nꞌilu ọzọ. Otu nwoke dị nke nwere ala ubi. Nwoke a kụrụ osisi oroma nꞌubi a. Ọ gbakwara ubi ya ogige, wuokwa mbadamba ebe a ga-anọ mee mmanya nꞌime ya. O wukwara ụlọ nche nꞌime ya. Mgbe o mesịrị ihe ndị a, o weere ubi ahụ tinye nꞌaka ndị ga-elekọtara ya ubi ahụ, pụọ gaa biri nꞌala ọzọ.

“Now listen to another parable. There was a man who owned a plot of land. The man planted an orange tree in the garden. He also built his own garden and set up a wine cellar. And he built towers in it. After doing these things, he placed the garden in the care of the gardeners, and went away to live in another country.

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