
Want to know what "muta" means in Igbo? View the translations below.


Translates to


gain knowledge or skills
"She learned dancing from her sister"
"I learned Sanskrit"
"Children acquire language at an amazing rate"

Ma gaanụ chọpụta ihe akwụkwọ nsọ chọrọ ka unu mụta mgbe ọ sịrị, ‘Achọghị m aja unu, kama achọrọ m ka unu nwee obi ebere.’ Unu chọpụta ya, unu ga-aghọta na abịaghị m ịkpọ ndị ezi omume, kama abịara m ime ka ndị mmehie si na mmehie ha chegharịa.”

But go find what the Scriptures want you to learn when it says, 'I do not commend you, but I want you to be merciful.' that the sinners may repent from their sins. ”

Soronụ ụzọ m, mụtakwanụ ihe site nꞌaka m. Nꞌihi na adị m nwayọọ, bụrụkwa onye dị umeala nꞌobi. Unu ga-achọtakwara obi unu izuike.

Follow my ways and learn from me. For I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart. You will find rest in your hearts.

Ma otu ụbọchị, mgbe a na-eme mmemme icheta ọmụmụ Herọd, ada Herọd, nke Herodias mụtara, tere egwu nꞌihu nna ya Herọd, na nꞌihu ndị ọbịa bịara nꞌụbọchị ahụ. Obi tọrọ Herọd ụtọ nke ukwuu.

But one day, during the celebration of the birth of Herod, Herod's daughter, whom Herodias had learned, feared before his father Herod, and in the presence of strangers that day. Herod was very happy.

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Translates to


the cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge
"the child's acquisition of language"
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