
Want to know what "chi" means in Igbo? View the translations below.


Translates to


exercise authority over; as of nations
"Who is governing the country now?"


exercise authority over; as of nations
"Who is governing the country now?"
Not to be Confused With

‘Ọ̀ bụ ezie na ị dị nta gị obodo nta Betileham, ma ị bụ obodo dị mkpa na Judia, nꞌihi na ọ bụ site na gị ka onye ga-achị ndị m Izirel ga-esi pụta.’ ”

'Though you are little in your village Beth-lehem, and you are an important city in Judea, for it is from you that the ruler of my people Israel will come out.' ”

A ga-ekpe unu ikpe nꞌihu ndị na-achị achị na nꞌihu ndị eze nꞌihi m. Ma nke a ga-enye unu ohere ịgwa ha ihe banyere m. Ee, nke a ga-enyere unu ohere ịgba ama banyere m nye ndị ụwa.

You will be judged before the governors and the kings because of me. But this will give you the opportunity to tell them something about me. Yes, this will give you an opportunity to witness about me to the world.

Ma Jisọs kpọrọ ha ka ha bịakwute ya. Mgbe ha bịara ọ gwara ha okwu sị, “Nꞌetiti ndị na-ekweghị ekwe, ndị isi ha na-emeso ndị ha na-achị mmeso dị ka o si dị ha mma nꞌuche. Ndị ukwu nꞌetiti ha na-ejikwa aka ike na-achị ndị nọ nꞌokpuru ha.

But Jesus called them to him. When they came to him he spoke to them, “Among the unbelievers the rulers treat their subjects according to their own pleasure. The nobles among them exercised great authority over their subjects.

Related Words
ọ́nọ̀dụ̀condition, state
Near-By Words
-chóseek, want
-chụ́pụ̀drive away, drive out


Translates to


become king or queen
"She ascended to the throne after the King's death"
Not to be Confused With
-chị́rule, govern
Related Words
ọ́nọ̀dụ̀condition, state
Near-By Words