
Want to know what "eze" means in Igbo? View the translations below.


Translates to


the kind and number and arrangement of teeth (collectively) in a person or animal


hard bonelike structures in the jaws of vertebrates; used for biting and chewing or for attack and defense
Not to be Confused With

ma ọtụtụ ndị si nꞌala Izirel, bụ ndị a na-akwadoro alaeze ahụ, ka a ga-atụba nꞌọchịchịrị, ebe ịkwa akwa na ịta ikikere eze ga-adị.”

but many of the people of the land of Isles, who are supported by the kingdom, shall be cast into darkness, where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. "

Ha ga-atụba ndị a nꞌime ọkụ, ebe ha ga-anọ na-akwa akwa, na-atakwa ikikere eze.

They will throw them into the furnace, where they will place their beds and gnash their teeth.

A ga-atụba ndị ọjọọ nꞌime ọkụ. Nꞌebe ahụ ka ha ga-anọ na-akwa akwa na-atakwa ikikere eze.

The wicked will be thrown into the fire. There they will weep and gnash their teeth.

Related Words
Near-By Words


Translates to


a male sovereign; ruler of a kingdom
Not to be Confused With
ézētooth, teeth

“Ebee ka a nọ mụọ eze ọhụrụ ndị Juu ahụ? Anyị hụrụrị kpakpando ya nꞌọwụwa anyanwụ. Ugbu a anyị bịara ka anyị kpọọ isi ala nye ya.”

“Where is the new king of the Jews born? We saw his star in the east. Now we come to worship him. ”

Mgbe ha nọ nꞌụzọ, Josef nụrụ na eze ọhụrụ gbanwere Herọd bụ nwa ya a na-akpọ Akelus. Nke a mere ụjọ ji tụọ Josef ịlaghachi Betilehem. Ma na nrọ ọzọ, Chineke dọrọ ya aka na ntị ka ọ hapụ ịlaghachi Judia, kama ka ọ laa Galili.

On the way, Joseph learns that a new king has changed his mind to his son Achuslus. So that is why Joseph is afraid to go back to Bethlehem. But in another dream, God warned him not to return to Judea, but to go to Galilee.

“Iwu Mosisi nyere kwuru sị, ‘Ọ bụrụ na mmadụ aghụpụ anya gị, ghụpụkwara anya nke ya. Kụpụkwa eze onye kụpụrụ eze gị.’

“The Mosaic Law said, 'If anyone is blind, you can also have his eyes closed. And cast off the king who has crushed your king. '

ma ọtụtụ ndị si nꞌala Izirel, bụ ndị a na-akwadoro alaeze ahụ, ka a ga-atụba nꞌọchịchịrị, ebe ịkwa akwa na ịta ikikere eze ga-adị.”

but many of the people of the land of Isles, who are supported by the kingdom, shall be cast into darkness, where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. "

A ga-ekpe unu ikpe nꞌihu ndị na-achị achị na nꞌihu ndị eze nꞌihi m. Ma nke a ga-enye unu ohere ịgwa ha ihe banyere m. Ee, nke a ga-enyere unu ohere ịgba ama banyere m nye ndị ụwa.

You will be judged before the governors and the kings because of me. But this will give you the opportunity to tell them something about me. Yes, this will give you an opportunity to witness about me to the world.

Ka ùnu lere anya ịhụ onye yi uwe ndị eze? Ndị na-eyi uwe ndị eze bi nꞌobi eze.

Or do you look to see who is wearing royal clothing? The people who wear the royal apparel live in the king's palace.

Ma Jisọs zara ha sị, “Ọ̀ bụ na unu agụtabeghị ihe akwụkwọ nsọ gwara anyị na eze Devidi na ndị enyi ya mere mgbe agụụ gụrụ ha?

But Jesus answered them, “Haven't you read what the Scriptures tell us that King David and his friends did when they were hungry?

Mgbe ndị Farisii nụrụ ihe ha kwuru, ha sịrị, “Nwoke a chụpụrụ mmụọ ọjọọ a nꞌihi na ekwensu, eze ndị mmụọ ọjọọ, nyere ya ike ịchụpụ ya.”

When the Pharisees heard their words, they said, "This man cast out devils, because the devil, the king of devils, empowered him to cast him out."

“Ala eze eluigwe dị ka akụ e zoro nꞌotu ibiribe ala, nke otu nwoke chọpụtara. Nwoke a jiri ọṅụ ree ihe nile o nwere, ma gaa zụọ ibiribe ala ahụ.

“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found. This man gladly sold all his belongings, and went and purchased the land.

Ọ bụ nꞌoge a ka Herọd eze na-achị Galili nụrụ ihe banyere Jisọs.

It was about this time that Herod the king of Galilee heard of Jesus.

Ụfọdụ nꞌime unu ndị guzo nꞌebe a ugbu a ga-adị ndụ hụ Nwa nke mmadụ ka ọ na-abịa dị ka eze nꞌalaeze ya.”

Some of you who are standing here now will see the Son of Man coming as a king of his kingdom. ”

Pita zara ha sị, “Ee, ọ na-atụ ụtụ.” Ọ banyere nꞌụlọ ịgwa Jisọs banyere nke a. Ma tupuu Pita ekwuo ihe ọ bụla, Jisọs jụrụ ya ajụjụsị, “Gịnị ka i chere banyere nke a Pita? Ọ̀ bụ nꞌaka ndị ole ka ndị eze ụwa si anakọta ụtụ? Ọ̀ bụ nꞌaka ụmụ ha, ka ọ bụ nꞌaka ndị ọbịa e meriri emeri?”

Peter answered them, “Yes, it does pay.” He went home to tell Jesus about this. But Peter said nothing, and Jesus asked him, “What do you think about this Peter? From whom do the kings of the earth collect taxes? To their sons or to the conquered guests? ”

“A ga-eji alaeze eluigwe tụnyere eze ahụ kpebiri ka ya na ndị na-ejere ya ozi gụzie ego ya ha ji.

“The kingdom of the heavens must be likened to a king who made a reckoning with his servants.

Mgbe ha malitere na-apịazi, a kọtaara eze ahụ otu nꞌime ndị ohu ya ji ya ụgwọ ruru nde naịra abụọ.

As they began to collect, the king was told that one of his servants owed him two million naira.

Nwoke ahụ enweghị ihe ọ ga-eji kwụọ ụgwọ o ji. Eze ahụ nyere iwu ka e refuo ya na nwụnye, na ụmụ ya, na ihe nile o nwere, nꞌihi ụgwọ o ji.

The man had no way to repay his debt. The king ordered that it be sold out of the installation, and his children, and all that he had, on account of his debt.

“Ma nwoke ahụ dara nꞌala nꞌihu eze ahụ, gbuokwa ikpere ya nꞌala rịọọ eze ahụ arịrịọ sị, ‘Onyenwe m, biko, nwee ntachi obi nꞌebe m nọ. Aga m akwụghachịkwa gị ụgwọ nile m ji gị.’

"But the man went down on his face at the king, and fell on his face, and begged the king, saying, 'Lord, be patient with me. And I will pay back all that I owe you. '

Eze ahụ jupụtara nꞌọmiko nꞌebe ọ nọ, meere ya ebere. Ọ sịrị ya akwụghachila ụgwọ o ji ọzọ.

“The king is full of compassion for him; He said he should pay back his debt.

“Ma mgbe ohu ahụ sitere nꞌihu eze ahụ pụọ, o jekwuuru otu nwoke ji ya ụgwọ otu puku naịra. O jidere ya nꞌaka ike, machie ya aka nꞌakpịrị, sị ya, ‘Kwụghachi m ụgwọ i ji m ugbu a!’

“But when the slave went out from the presence of the king, he went to the man who owed him a thousand denarii. He grabbed her by the arm and wrapped her arms around him and said, 'Give me back your debt now!'

“Mgbe ndị enyi nwoke ahụ e tinyere nꞌụlọ mkpọrọ hụrụ ihe mere enyi ha, ha jekwuuru eze ahụ, kọọrọ ya ihe nile ha hụrụ.

“When the men who were imprisoned saw what had happened to their friend, they went and reported to the king what they had seen.

Eze ahụ kpọrọ nwoke a, nke ọ gbaghara ụgwọ nile o ji na mbụ sị ya, ‘Ajọ ohu! Nꞌebe a ka m nọ gbaghara gị.

The king called this man, for whom he had forgiven all the debt he had ever said to him, 'Wicked slave! I am here to forgive you.

Related Words
Near-By Words
ézētooth, teeth