
Want to know what "ndu" means in Igbo? View the translations below.


Translates to


possessing life
"the happiest person alive"
"the nerve is alive"
"doctors are working hard to keep him alive"
"burned alive"
"a live canary"


the condition of living or the state of being alive
"while there's life there's hope"
"life depends on many chemical and physical processes"
Not to be Confused With

Ndụ Kraịst

Life of Christ

Akwụkwọ ozi ọma anọ malitere Tesitamenti Ọhụrụ kọrọ akụkọ otu Jisọs Kraịst si bie ndụ Ya nꞌụwa. Akwụkwọ anọ ndị a gosiri anyị ụzọ anọ ndị ozi Kraịst si hụ ma ghọta obibi ndụ Kraịst ahụ.

The four Gospels that start the New Testament tell the story of how Jesus Christ lived. These four books show four ways in which the apostles of Christ saw and understood the life of Christ.

Mmadụ anọ ndị a nꞌotu nꞌotu kọwakwara otu ndị mmadụ si napụ Kraịst ndụ ya nꞌike, na otu e si kpọgide Jisọs Kraịst, onye hụrụ ndị iro ya nꞌanya nꞌobe. Ha kọrọ akụkọ nhuju anya Kraịst nꞌelu obe, na akụkọ ọnwụ ọ nwụrụ, nꞌihi mmehie mmadụ nile; kọọkwa akụkọ olili ya, na otu o si site nꞌọnwụ bilie ọzọ mgbe ụbọchị atọ gasịrị.

The four members also describe how the people of Christ took away His life, and how Jesus Christ, who loved His enemies, was crucified. They reported the sufferings of Christ on the cross, and the account of his death, for the sins of all men; and tell his story of his burial, and how he rose again from the dead three days later.

Ma Jisọs sịrị ya, “Lee, akwụkwọ nsọ gwara anyị na ọ bụ nanị site nꞌirube isi nꞌokwu Chineke ka mkpụrụ obi mmadụ ga-eji dị ndụ, ọ bụghị site nꞌiri nri.”

But Jesus said to him, "See, the Scripture tells us that the soul of man shall live, not by bread alone, but by the word of God."

“Nꞌihi nke a ka m ji na-asị unu, unu echegbula onwe unu banyere ihe unu ga-eri, ma ọ bụ ihe unu ga-aṅụ, ma ọ bụkwanụ uwe unu ga-eji kpuchie ahụ unu. Ndụ karịrị ihe e ji azụ ya.

“For this reason I say to you, do not be anxious about what you will eat, or what you will drink, or about your bodies with which you will cover yourselves. Life is more valuable than food.

Ònye nꞌetiti unu pụrụ itinye otu nkeji nꞌogologo ụbọchị nke ndụ ya site nꞌichegbu onwe ya?

Who among you can spend a minute of his life worrying?

Ya mere, ọ bụrụ na Chineke sitere nꞌebere ya mee ka okoko osisi ndị a maa mma ile anya, bụ okoko osisi dị ndụ taa, nke pụkwara ịkpọnwụ mgbe chi echi bọrọ, gịnị mere unu jiri chee na ọ gaghị emere unu karịa nke a, unu ndị okwukwe nta?

If therefore God by his mercy hath made these the flower to look good, even the flower of the living to day, and which can wither away in the morning, You little faiths?

Ọ ga-enyekwa unu ihe ndị a nile, ma ọ bụrụ na unu eburu ụzọ nye ya onwe unu, na-adịkwa ndụ dị ka o si chọọ.

And he will give you all these things, if you will first give to him, and keep on living according to his will.

“Ya mere, unu echegbula onwe unu banyere ihe na-aga ime echi. Ọ bụrụ na Chineke emee ka ị dịrị ndụ taa, ọ ga-azụkwa gị echi.

“So don't worry about the future. If God makes you alive today, he will also train you tomorrow.

Ole na ole na-achọta ụzọ na-eduba na ndụ, nꞌihi na ọ dị warara.

Few find a way to life, because it is so narrow.

Unu ga-amata ha site nꞌụdị ndụ ha na-ebi. A na amara osisi ọ bụla site na mkpụrụ ya. Ị gaghị ahụ mkpụrụ ose kpọọ ya mkpụrụ aṅara.

You will get to know them by the way they live. Every tree is known by its fruits. You won't find spicy fruit calling it orange fruit.

Mgbe Jisọs nọ na-ekwu okwu, otu onyeisi nꞌetiti ndị Juu bịara kpọọ isi ala nye ya sị ya, “Ọ dịbeghị anya kemgbe nwa m nwanyị nwụrụ. Ọ bụrụ na ị ga-abịa metụ ya aka ọ ga-ebili dịrịkwa ndụ ọzọ.”

While Jesus was talking, a ruler of the Jews came and worshiped him, saying, “It has been long since my daughter died. If you come and touch him, he will rise and live. ”

Ma mgbe ndị nọ nꞌebe ahụ pụrụ dị ka a gwara ha, Jisọs banyere nꞌụlọ ebe nwanta nwanyị ahụ dina. O jidere ya nꞌaka, selite ya elu. Nwanta nwanyị ahụ dịkwara ndụ ọzọ.

But when those who were in the house went out as they were told, Jesus entered into the house where the sister was lying. He grabbed her by the arm, lifting her up. The girl was alive again.

Mgbe Jisọs chụpụrụ mmụọ ọjọọ ahụ, onye ogbi ahụ bidoro ikwu okwu. Ibubo nwụrụ igwe mmadụ nọ nꞌebe ahụ nꞌahụ. Ha sịrị, “Anyị ahụbeghị ihe dị otu a na ndụ anyị nile.”

When Jesus expelled the demon, the mute started to speak. Crowds died in the crowd. They said, "We have never seen anything like this in our lives."

Ndụ gị ga-efunarị gị ma ọ bụrụ na ị hụ ya nꞌanya karịa m. Kama ọ bụrụ na ị tufuo ya nꞌihi m, ị ga-achọta ya.

“You will lose your life if you love it more than I do. But if you throw it away for me, you will find it.

Mgbe Jisọs nyesịrị ndị na-eso ụzọ ya ndụmọdụ ndị a, ọ hapụrụ ebe ahụ pụọ, bido na-ejegharị nꞌobodo dị iche iche izisa ozi ọma.

After giving these instructions to his disciples, Jesus withdrew from there and began to preach in the cities.

Mkpụrụ ahụ a ghara bụ okwu Chineke. Ala ebe mkpụrụ ahụ dara nọchiri anya obi mmadụ. Mkpụrụ nke dara nꞌụzọ, nke ụmụ nnụnụ bịara tụrụ loo, nọchiri anya ndụ nụrụ eziokwu nke alaeze ahụ, ma ha aghọtaghị ya. Emesịa ekwensu bịara napụ ha okwu ahụ nꞌobi.

The seed that is sown is the word of God. The field at which the seed drops is used to represent the heart. The lost seed, which the birds came to symbolize, represented life in the kingdom, but they did not understand it. Then the devil came and took away the words from them.

Saịmọn Pita zara sị ya, “Ị bụ Onye nzọpụta ahụ, Ọkpara Chineke dị ndụ.”

Simon Peter answered, "You are the Savior, the Son of the living God."

Nꞌihi na onye ọ bụla na-eche ndụ ya nche ka ọ hapụ ifunarị ya ga-atụfu ya. Ma onye ọ bụla tụfuru ndụ ya nꞌihi m, ga-enwetakwa ya.

For anyone who is guarding his life to save his life will lose it. And whosoever shall lose his life for my sake, shall receive it.

Nꞌihi na uru gịnị ka mmadụ nwetara ma ọ bụrụ na o ritechaa ụwa nile nꞌuru ma tufuo ndụ ya? Gịnị bụ ihe ahụ dị nꞌụwa a ga-eji gbanwere ndụ mmadụ?

For what benefit is it to a person if he gains the whole world but loses his life? What is the earth that can change one's life?

Related Words
ọ́nọ̀dụ̀condition, state
Near-By Words


Translates to


someone who shows the way by leading or advising
Not to be Confused With
ńdụ̀life, alive

Ya mere, unu echegbula onwe unu, nꞌihi na ha bụ ndị ndu kpuru ìsì. Mgbe ọ bụla kwa onye ìsì na-edu onye ìsì ibe ya ha abụọ aghaghị ịdaba nꞌime olulu.”

Therefore do not worry, for they are blind guides. And when the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. ”

Related Words
-chị́rule, govern
Near-By Words