
Want to know what "nta" means in Igbo? View the translations below.


Translates to


limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent
"a little dining room"
"a little house"
"a small car"
"a little (or small) group"
relatively moderate, limited, or small
"a small business"
"a newspaper with a modest circulation"
"small-scale plans"
"a pocket-size country"
(of children and animals) young, immature
"what a big little boy you are"
"small children"
Not to be Confused With

‘Ọ̀ bụ ezie na ị dị nta gị obodo nta Betileham, ma ị bụ obodo dị mkpa na Judia, nꞌihi na ọ bụ site na gị ka onye ga-achị ndị m Izirel ga-esi pụta.’ ”

'Though you are little in your village Beth-lehem, and you are an important city in Judea, for it is from you that the ruler of my people Israel will come out.' ”

Iwe were Herọd nke ukwuu mgbe ọ chọpụtara na ndị amamihe ahụ alọghachighị kọọrọ ya ihe ha hụrụ. Nꞌihi ya o zipụrụ ndị agha ya ka ha gaa Betilehem na obodo nta ndị ọzọ gbara ha gburugburu, ka ha gbuo ụmụntakịrị nile nọ nꞌobodo ndị a, bụ ndị gbara site nꞌafọ abụọ rịda, nꞌihi na ndị amamihe ahụ gwara ya rị na ha hụrụ kpakpando ahụ afọ abụọ gara aga.

Herod was furious when he discovered that the wise men had not returned to him. So he sent his army to Bethlehem and other villages around them, to kill all the little children in these cities, who were shot down by two robes, because the wise men told him they had seen a star. saw two years ago.

Mgbe ọ gara nꞌihu nke nta, ọ hụrụ ụmụnne abụọ ọzọ, Jemes na Jọn, ebe ha na nna ha Zebedi nọ nꞌime ụgbọ mmiri na-emezi ihe ha ji egbu azụ. Jisọs kpọkwara ha.

Going a little farther, he saw two other brothers, James and John, in the boat with their father Zebedee, mending their nets. Jesus also called them.

Ya mere, ọ bụrụ na Chineke sitere nꞌebere ya mee ka okoko osisi ndị a maa mma ile anya, bụ okoko osisi dị ndụ taa, nke pụkwara ịkpọnwụ mgbe chi echi bọrọ, gịnị mere unu jiri chee na ọ gaghị emere unu karịa nke a, unu ndị okwukwe nta?

If therefore God by his mercy hath made these the flower to look good, even the flower of the living to day, and which can wither away in the morning, You little faiths?

Gịnị mere i ji na-esogbu onwe gị banyere ntakịrị ahịhịa dị nwanne gị nꞌanya mgbe ahịhịa dị ukwuu karịa nke ya dị gị onwe gị nꞌanya?

Why do you worry about your brother's small straw when you are much taller than you are?

Ma Jisọs zara sị ha, “Unu ndị okwukwe nta, gịnị mere ụjọ ji na-atụ unu?” O biliri baara ifufe ahụ na ebili mmiri ahụ mba. Ha dara jụụ, ebe nile deere jii.

But Jesus answered them, “You men of little faith, why are you afraid?” He got up and rebuked the wind and the waves. They were quiet, there was silence.

Jisọs jegharịrị nꞌobodo nile dị nꞌebe ahụ, ndị ukwu na ndị nta, na-ezi ihe nꞌụlọ ekpere ndị Juu. Ọ na-ekwusakwa ozi ọma nke alaeze ahụ. Ebe ọ bụla ọ gara, ọ gwọrọ ụdị ọrịa dị iche iche ndị mmadụ na-arịa.

Jesus went around the cities, large and small, teaching in the Jewish house of prayer. He is also preaching the good news of the kingdom. Wherever he went, he cured many kinds of ailments.

“Nꞌezie, ọ dịghị nwoke ọ bụla nwanyị mụrụ dị ukwuu karịa Jọn omee baptizim. Ma onye dịkarịsịrị nta nꞌalaeze eluigwe dị ukwuu karịa Jọn.

“In fact, no man is born greater than John the Baptist. But the smallest person in the kingdom of heaven is greater than John.

Ọ gaghị emegide ndị na-adịghị ike. Ọ ga-akwali ndị olileanya ha dị nta, tutuu ruo mgbe ọ ga-eme ka ikpe ziri ezi merie.

He will not oppose the weak. It will move those who have little hope, soften it until it triumphs, and justice prevails.

Jisọs tukwara ilu ọzọ sị ha, “Alaeze eluigwe dị ka mkpụrụ mọsụtadị nke onye ọrụ ubi kụrụ nꞌubi ya. Ọ bụ ezie ha ọ bụ mkpụrụ dịkarịsịrị nta karịa mkpụrụ ubi nile, ọ dị nta dị ka mkpụrụ aṅara

Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of the heavens has become like a grain that a farmer sowed in his field; Although they are the smallest of all seeds, they are as small as the ripe fruit

Na-atụfụghị oge, Jisọs setipụrụ aka ya dọpụta Pita. Ọ gwara Pita okwu sị ya, “Lee ka okwukwe gị siri dị nta! Gịnị mere i ji nwee obi abụọ?”

Without delay, Jesus stretched out his hand to release Peter. He said to Peter, “How little your faith is! Why do you doubt? ”

Ebe ọ bụ na Jisọs matara ihe ha na-eche nꞌobi ha, ọ gwara ha okwu sị ha, “Unu ndị okwukwe nta! Gịnị mere unu ji na-esogbu onwe unu nꞌihi na unu enweghị ihe oriri?

Knowing their thoughts, Jesus addressed them, saying, “You of little faith! And why do you worry about having no food?

Jisọs zara sị ha, “Ọ bụ nꞌihi na okwukwe unu nwere ehighị nne. Ọ bụrụ na unu nwere okwukwe nke dịkarịsịrị nta, nke ga-aha ka mkpụrụ mọsụtadị, unu nwere ike nye ugwu a iwu sị ya, ‘Site nꞌebe a wezụga onwe gị,’ ọ ga-apụkwa.

Jesus answered them, “Because you have little faith. If you have a faith that is too small, like a mustard seed, you can command this mountain, 'From here on out,' and it will disappear.

Ma ọ bụrụ na onye ọ bụla nꞌime unu emee ka otu nꞌime ndị a dị nta, bụ ndị tụkwasịrị m obi, daa mba nꞌokwukwe ya, ọ kaara onye ahụ mma na e kedoro ya nkume nꞌolu, tụnye ya nꞌoke osimiri ka mmiri rie ya.

But if any of you trust me, one of these little ones who have lost faith in him, it is better for him that a stone is laid on a rock, and he may be cast into a river.

Otu a ka ọ dịkwa nꞌebe Nna m nọ; ọ bụghị ọchịchọ ya na otu nꞌime ndị a dịkarịsịrị nta ga-ala nꞌiyi.

The same is true of the Father; it is not his wish that one of these little ones would disappear.

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Translates to


the pursuit and killing or capture of wild animals regarded as a sport
the activity of looking thoroughly in order to find something or someone
Not to be Confused With

Ya mere, ọ bụrụ na Chineke sitere nꞌebere ya mee ka okoko osisi ndị a maa mma ile anya, bụ okoko osisi dị ndụ taa, nke pụkwara ịkpọnwụ mgbe chi echi bọrọ, gịnị mere unu jiri chee na ọ gaghị emere unu karịa nke a, unu ndị okwukwe nta?

If therefore God by his mercy hath made these the flower to look good, even the flower of the living to day, and which can wither away in the morning, You little faiths?

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