
Want to know what "uzo" means in Igbo? View the translations below.


Translates to
early (morning) 


at or near the beginning of a period of time or course of events or before the usual or expected time
"early morning"
"an early warning"
"early diagnosis"
"an early death"
"took early retirement"
"an early spring"
"early varieties of peas and tomatoes mature before most standard varieties"
Not to be Confused With

“Nꞌabalị ụbọchị ahụ, nwoke a gwara onye na-akwụ ndị ọrụ ụgwọ ka ọ kwụọ ha nile ụgwọ. O mekwara ka onye na-akwụ ụgwọ malite nꞌonye ikpeazụ bịara ọrụ nꞌubi ahụ ruo na ndị buru ụzọ bido ọrụ nꞌụtụtụ.

“That night the man who had told his employer to pay all their debts was repaid. It also enabled the payer to start the last job in the field until the early morning workers.

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Translates to


any artifact consisting of a road or path affording passage from one place to another
"he said he was looking for the way out"
a journey or passage
"they are on the way"
Not to be Confused With

Akwụkwọ ozi ọma anọ malitere Tesitamenti Ọhụrụ kọrọ akụkọ otu Jisọs Kraịst si bie ndụ Ya nꞌụwa. Akwụkwọ anọ ndị a gosiri anyị ụzọ anọ ndị ozi Kraịst si hụ ma ghọta obibi ndụ Kraịst ahụ.

The four Gospels that start the New Testament tell the story of how Jesus Christ lived. These four books show four ways in which the apostles of Christ saw and understood the life of Christ.

Mgbe ndị amamihe a chọrọ ịlaghachi obodo ha, ha esikwaghị Jerusalem ịkọrọ Herọd ihe ha hụrụ. Nꞌihi na Onyenwe anyị nyere ha iwu na nrọ sị ha site ụzọ ọzọ laa.

When the wise men wanted to return to their own city, they did not go back to Jerusalem to tell Herod what they had seen. Because the Lord had commanded them in a dream to tell them to go the other way.

Mgbe ha nọ nꞌụzọ, Josef nụrụ na eze ọhụrụ gbanwere Herọd bụ nwa ya a na-akpọ Akelus. Nke a mere ụjọ ji tụọ Josef ịlaghachi Betilehem. Ma na nrọ ọzọ, Chineke dọrọ ya aka na ntị ka ọ hapụ ịlaghachi Judia, kama ka ọ laa Galili.

On the way, Joseph learns that a new king has changed his mind to his son Achuslus. So that is why Joseph is afraid to go back to Bethlehem. But in another dream, God warned him not to return to Judea, but to go to Galilee.

Mgbe o ruru Galili, ha gara biri nꞌobodo nta Nazaret. Site nꞌụzọ dị otu a, ihe ndị amụma kwuru banyere Onye nzọpụta mezuru. Nꞌihi na ha buru amụma sị, “A ga-akpọ ya onye Nazaret.”

When they came to Galilee, they settled in the village of Nazareth. In this way, what the prophets said about the Savior came true. Because they were saying, "He will be called a Nazarene."

Aịzaya onye amụma gbararị ama banyere ọrụ Jọn mgbe o buru amụma sị, “O nwere onye na-eti mkpu nꞌọzara na-asị, ‘Dozienụ ụzọ Onyenwe anyị, meenụ ka okporo ụzọ ya dị larịị.’ ”

The prophet Isaiah was critical of John's work when he prophesied, "There is one crying in the wilderness, 'Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths level.'"

Nꞌụzọ dị otu a, amụma ahụ Aịzaya buru mezuru. Amụma nke sị,

In this way, Isaiah's prophecy came true. The prophecy that says,

Ṅụrịanụ ọṅụ nꞌihi ya. Ka obi tọọkwa unu ụtọ. Nꞌihi na ụgwụ ọrụ unu ga-adị ukwuu nꞌeluigwe. Chetanụ na e si nꞌụzọ dị otu a sogbuo ndị amụma bu unu ụzọ.

Rejoice over it. You too will be happy. For the end of your days shall be great in heaven. Remember that the prophets who preceded you were persecuted in this way.

Onye ihu abụọ! Buru ụzọ wepụ ihe dị gị nꞌanya ka i nwee ike ịhụzi ụzọ ịtụpụ nke dị nwanne gị nꞌanya.

Hypocritical! First remove the items you love so you can see the way to look out of your brother's eye.

Ụzọ dị warara na-eduba nꞌeluigwe. Site na ya baa. Ụzọ dị obosara na-eduba nꞌọkụ. Ọtụtụ mmadụ na-esoro ya nꞌihi na ọ dị mfe.

“The narrow way leads to heaven. From there it goes. The wide road leads to the fireplace. Lots of people follow him because it's easy.

Ole na ole na-achọta ụzọ na-eduba na ndụ, nꞌihi na ọ dị warara.

Few find a way to life, because it is so narrow.

Ụzọ e si amata osisi ọma ma ọ bụ mmadụ ọma bụ site na mkpụrụ ya.

The way to recognize a good tree or a good person is through its fruit.

Mgbe ha na-aga nꞌụzọ, otu onye ekpenta bịakwutere Jisọs kpọọ isi ala nye ya, rịọ ya sị, “Onyenwe m, ọ bụrụ na ị chọrọ, ị pụrụ ime ka m dị ọcha.”

On the way, a leper came to Jesus and bowed down before him, saying, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean."

Jisọs nyere nwoke ahụ iwu sị ya, “Jekwuru onyeisi nchụaja, akọkwarala onye ọ bụla nꞌụzọ. Were onyinye gị mgbe ị na-aga dị ka e dere ya nꞌiwu Mosisi. Gaa ka onyeisi nchụaja lee gị ahụ, kwuokwara ọha na ị dịla ọcha.”

Jesus commanded the man, “Go to the chief priest, and tell no one on the way. Take your gifts along the way as stated in the Mosaic Law. Go see the chief priest, and tell the people that you are clean. ”

Nꞌihi na Jọn bụ onye ahụ e kwuru ihe banyere ya nꞌakwụkwọ nsọ sị, ‘Lee ana m ezite onyeozi m nꞌihu gị onye ga-edoziri gị ụzọ.’

For John is the one about whom the scripture says, 'See, I am sending my messenger before your face, who will prepare your way.'

Ee, Nna, ọ tọrọ gị ụtọ ime ya nꞌụzọ dị otu a.

Yes, Father, it pleased you to do so in this way.

Soronụ ụzọ m, mụtakwanụ ihe site nꞌaka m. Nꞌihi na adị m nwayọọ, bụrụkwa onye dị umeala nꞌobi. Unu ga-achọtakwara obi unu izuike.

Follow my ways and learn from me. For I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart. You will find rest in your hearts.

Nꞌihi na ụzọ m dị mfe, ibu m ga-ebokwasịkwa unu adịghị arọ.”

For my way is easy and my burden is heavy on YOU. ”

Jisọs kpọrọ ndị na-eso ụzọ ya sị ha, “Ana m emere igwe mmadụ ndị a ebere, nꞌihi na mụ na ha anọọla abalị atọ nꞌebe a, ma ha eribeghị nri ọ bụla. Agaghị m ezilaga ha na-erighị nri, nꞌihi na ụfọdụ ha nwere ike ịda nꞌụzọ.”

Jesus called his disciples and said to them, "I feel sorry for the people, because I have stayed with them for three days and they have not eaten anything. I will not send them malnourished, because some of them may be lost along the way. ”

Okwu a Jisọs kwuru mere ka egwu tụọ ndị na-eso ụzọ ya. Ha sịrị, “Ọ bụrụ na o si otu a dịrị, onye kwanụ ka a ga-azọpụta?”

Jesus' disciples were terrified by his words. They said, "If this is the way it is, who can be saved?"

Mgbe Jisọs na-aga Jerusalem, ọ kpọrọ ndị na-eso ụzọ ya gaa nꞌotu akụkụ,

While on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus took some of his disciples with him and

Related Words
óbēladder, cross
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