
Want to know what "azu" means in Igbo? View the translations below.


Translates to


the posterior part of a human (or animal) body from the neck to the end of the spine
"his back was nicely tanned"
the side that goes last or is not normally seen
"he wrote the date on the back of the photograph"
the part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer
"he stood at the back of the stage"
"it was hidden in the rear of the store"
Not to be Confused With

Jisọs gwara ndị ahụ Jọn zitere okwu sị, “Laghachikwanụ azụ gwa Jọn ihe banyere ọrụ ebube unu hụrụ m na-arụ.

Jesus told the messengers: “Go back and tell John about the miracles you perform.

Jisọs sịrị, “Ọ dị mma, iwu ejighị ụmụ ha. Ma otu ọ dị, achọghị m ka anyị mee ka iwe wee ha. Gaa nꞌosimiri ahụ tụnye nko azụ gị nꞌime ya. Meghee ọnụ azụ nke mbụ ị ga-egbute. Ị ga-ahụ otu mkpụrụ ego nꞌime ọnụ ya. Were ya nye ha, ka ọ bụrụ ụtụ nke mụ na gị.”

Jesus said, “Well, their children are not obliged. However, I don't want us to make them angry. Go to the river and throw your fish hook into it. Open the back of the first cut. You will find a coin in its mouth. Give it to them, and I will give it to you. ”

Ma ọ bụrụ na o geghị gị ntị, kpọrọ otu onye ma ọ bụ mmadụ abụọ ọzọ laghachi azụ nꞌebe ọ nọ, meekwa ka ihe nile i kwuru nꞌihu ndị akaebe a doo ya anya.

But if he will not listen to you, take one or two others back to his place, and make clear to him what you say in the presence of these witnesses.

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Translates to


any of various mostly cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates usually having scales and breathing through gills
"the shark is a large fish"
"in the living room there was a tank of colorful fish"
the flesh of fish used as food
"in Japan most fish is eaten raw"
"after the scare about foot-and-mouth disease a lot of people started eating fish instead of meat"
"they have a chef who specializes in fish"
Not to be Confused With

Jọn, onye ọkụ azụ, bụ onye naara anọ Jisọs nso mgbe nile. Nꞌakwụkwọ ya ọ kọwaara anyị ụdị ihunanya Jisọs nwere nꞌebe mmadụ nile nọ; ọ kọrọ akụkọ gosiri anyị ike dị ukwuu Jisọs nwere, na ọrụ ebube nile ọ rụrụ, si otu a kpugheere anyị na Jisọs bụ Ọkpara Chineke nꞌezie.

John, a fisherman, was always close to Jesus. In his book he describes the love that Jesus had for all people; it tells us the great power of Jesus, and the miracles he performed, thus revealing to us that Jesus is the true Son of God.

“Ọzọ kwa, alaeze eluigwe dị ka ụgbụ e ji egbu azụ, nke onye ọkụ azụ wụnyere nꞌime mmiri, jiri ya jide azụ dị iche iche, ndị a na-eri eri na ndị a na-adịghị eri eri.

“Again, the kingdom of the heavens is like a dragnet, that a fisherman has cast into the sea, and he may catch fish of both the kindred and the unlearned.

Mgbe ụgbụ a juru, onye ọkụ azụ ahụ na-adọpụta ya, nọdụ ala họpụtasịa ndị a na-eri eri ma na-etufụ ndị a na-adịghị eri eri.

When the net is full, the fisherman pulls it out, sits down and selects the predators and throws the unsafe.

Ndị na-eso ụzọ ya sịrị ya, “Ọ bụ nanị ogbe beredi ise na azụ abụọ ka anyị nwere.”

His disciples said to him, "We have only five loaves of bread and two fishes."

Ọ gwara igwe mmadụ ahụ ka ha nọdụ ala nꞌahịhịa. O weere ogbe beredi ise na azụ abụọ ahụ welie anya ya elu, rịọ Chineke ka ọ gọzie ha. Ọ nyawara beredi ahụ, nye ha ndị na-eso ụzọ ya ka ha kee igwe mmadụ ahụ.

He told the crowd to sit down in the grass. He lifted up his eyes to the five loaves and the two fish and asked God to bless them. He tore the bread, and gave it to his disciples to divide the crowd.

Jisọs jụrụ ha ajụjụ sị, “Gịnị bụ nri unu nwere?” Ha sịrị ya, “Ogbe beredi asaa na azụ ole na ole.”

Jesus asked them, “What is your food?” They replied, “Seven loaves and some fish.”

O weere beredi asaa na azụ ole na ole ahụ kelee Chineke ekele. Ọ nyawasịrị ha, nye ndị na-eso ụzọ ya. Ndị na-eso ụzọ ya nyekwara igwe mmadụ ahụ.

He thanked God for seven bucks and a few fish. He split them, giving them to his disciples. The disciples also gave the crowd.

Jisọs sịrị, “Ọ dị mma, iwu ejighị ụmụ ha. Ma otu ọ dị, achọghị m ka anyị mee ka iwe wee ha. Gaa nꞌosimiri ahụ tụnye nko azụ gị nꞌime ya. Meghee ọnụ azụ nke mbụ ị ga-egbute. Ị ga-ahụ otu mkpụrụ ego nꞌime ọnụ ya. Were ya nye ha, ka ọ bụrụ ụtụ nke mụ na gị.”

Jesus said, “Well, their children are not obliged. However, I don't want us to make them angry. Go to the river and throw your fish hook into it. Open the back of the first cut. You will find a coin in its mouth. Give it to them, and I will give it to you. ”

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