
Want to know what "ife" means in Igbo? View the translations below.


Translates to


an entity that is not named specifically
"I couldn't tell what the thing was"
any attribute or quality considered as having its own existence
"the thing I like about her is ..."
Not to be Confused With

Matiu bụ otu nꞌime ndị ikom iri na abụọ ahụ na-eso ụzọ Kraịst. Ihe o dere nꞌakwụkwọ a bụ ihe ndị ahụ ọ hụrụ anya, na nke o ji ntị ya nụrụ. Ọkpụrụkpụ okwu Matiu ji mere isi akụkọ dị nꞌakwụkwọ a bụ Alaeze Chineke, ya na ihe nile Jisọs Kraịst ziri banyere ya. Ihe Matiu bu nꞌobi mgbe o dere akwụkwọ a bụ igosi na Jisọs Kraịst bụ onye mezụrụ ihe nile e buru nꞌamụma nꞌAgba Ochie nke Baịbụlụ Nsọ.

Matthew was one of the twelve disciples of Christ. What he has written in this book is about the things he has seen and heard. Matthew's central theme in this book is the Kingdom of God, with all that Jesus Christ taught about it. Matthew's goal in writing this is to prove that Jesus Christ is the one who fulfilled all the Old Testament prophecies.

“Mgbe unu na-ekpe ekpere, unu ekwula okwu nkwkwasị efu dị ka ndị na-amaghị Chineke na-eme. Ha chere na Chineke ga-anụ ekpere ha nꞌihi ọtụtụ okwu ha na-ekwu. Chetanụ na tupu unu arịọ arịrịọ ọ bụla, Nna unu bi nꞌeluigwe mmara ihe na-akpa unu.

“When praying, do not say the same things as the rest do. They thought that God would hear their prayers because of their many words. Remember that before you make any request, your heavenly Father knows your needs.

Ọ bụ nanị ndị na-amaghị Chineke na-atụfu oge ha iche ihe banyere ihe ndị a. Ọ bụkwa ha ka ihe ndị a na-agụbiga agụụ oke. Kama tụkwasịnụ Chineke obi unu, nꞌihi na ọ maara mkpa unu nile.

Only those who do not know God spend time thinking about these things. It is also up to them that these things go too far. Instead, trust in God, for He knows all your needs.

Ọ ga-enyekwa unu ihe ndị a nile, ma ọ bụrụ na unu eburu ụzọ nye ya onwe unu, na-adịkwa ndụ dị ka o si chọọ.

And he will give you all these things, if you will first give to him, and keep on living according to his will.

Mgbe ihe ndị a gasịrị, Jisọs banyere nꞌụgbọ mmiri ịkwọfe osimiri ahụ, ya na ndị na-eso ụzọ ya.

After these things Jesus and his disciples boarded a boat to cross the river.

O juru ndị na-eso ụzọ ya anya, mee ka ha jụọ ajụjụ sị, “Ọ bụ ụdị mmadụ dị aṅaa ka nwoke a bụ, onye ifufe na-eme ihe o nyere ha nꞌiwu.”

The disciples were amazed and asked, "What sort of man is this, who is doing the things that he commanded?"

Ma ndị Farisii sịrị, “Ọ bụ ekwensu, eze ndị mmụọ ọjọọ na-enye ya ike ime ihe ndị a nile.”

But the Pharisees said, "He is a devil, the prince of devils gives him power to do all these things."

Ihe ọ bụla dakwasịrị onye nkuzi na-adakwasị nwanta akwụkwọ ya. Otu a kwa ohu na-eketa oke nꞌihe dakwasịrị nna ya ukwu. Ebe ha kpọrọ m ekwensu, ha ga-enyekwa unu aha ọjọọ karịrị nke a.

Anything that happens to a teacher is incriminating to her student. In the same way the servant inherits the same things that happen to his master. Since they call me devil, they will give you a worse name than this.

O ji ilu gwa ha ọtụtụ ihe. Ọ gwara ha sị, “O nwere otu onye ọrụ ubi gara ịgha mkpụrụ nꞌubi ya.

He told them many things by parables. He told them, “A farmer went out to cultivate his fields.

Nꞌihi na ọ bụ eziokwu ka m na-ekwu mgbe m na-agwa unu sị, ọtụtụ ndị amụma na ndị ezi omume ka ọ gụrụ agụụ ịhụ ihe ndị a anya unu na-ahụ ugbu a, na ịnụ ihe ndị a ntị unu na-anụ, ma ha enweghị ike.

For I speak to you the truth, that many prophets and righteous men longed to see these things which ye now see, and to hear the things which are in your ears. meat, but they cannot.

O mere nke a ka okwu ndị amụma kwuru mezuo, nꞌihi na ha buru amụma sị, “Aga m eji ilu kwuo okwu mgbe m na-agwa ha okwu. Aga m agwakwa ha ihe mmadụ ọ bụla na-amaghị site nꞌoge e kere ụwa.”

He fulfilled the words of the prophets, for they said, "I will speak to them in parables. And I will tell them things that no man ever knew.

Jisọs sịrị ha, “Ya mere, onye ozizi iwu Mosisi ọ bụla soro bụrụ onye na-eso ụzọ nke alaeze eluigwe, ga-adị ka onyenwe ụlọ nke na-esite nꞌọba ya na-ewepụta ihe ọhụrụ na ihe ochie.”

Jesus said to them, "Therefore every teacher of the law of Moses who is a disciple of the kingdom of the heavens shall be like a master of the house, bringing forth new things and old things."

Mgbe Jisọs kwusịrị okwu ndị a, ọ laghachiri nꞌobodo Nazaret, gaa izi ndị mmadụ ihe nꞌime ụlọ ekpere. Amamihe ya na ọrụ ebube ọ rụrụ juru onye ọ bụla anya. Ha jụrịtara onwe ha ajụjụ na-asị, “Ebee ka o si nweta amamihe a? Ebee ka o si nweta ike ịrụ ọrụ ebube ndị a nile?

When Jesus had finished saying these things, he returned to the city of Nazareth and taught in the synagogues. Everyone was amazed at his wisdom and his miracles. They asked one another, “Where did he get this wisdom? Where did he get all these miracles?

Ihe ndị a bụ ihe na-emerụ mmadụ, ọ bụghị ma mmadụ kwọrọ aka tupuu o rie nri, ma ọ bụ na ọ kwọghị.”

These are the things that defile a person, not by eating and drinking. ”

Mgbe Jisọs gwasịrị ha okwu a, Pita duuru ya pụọ gaa nꞌotu akụkụ, nọdụ nꞌebe ahụ baara ya mba sị ya, “Onyenwe m, Chineke ekwela. Ihe ndị a agaghị adakwasị gị!”

When Jesus had spoken to them, Peter took him aside and sat him down, and rebuked him, saying, “Lord, God forbid. You will not have these things! ”

Ma Ịlaịja abịalarị, ma ndị mmadụ amataghị ya. Kama ọtụtụ mmaụ emeela ya ihe ọjọọ dị iche iche. Otu a kwa ka mụ onwe m bụ Nwa nke mmadụ ga-esi hụọ ahụhụ site nꞌaka ha.”

But Elijah had already arrived, and people did not know him. But many knives have done him bad things. And I, the Son of man, suffer through their hands. "

kọọrọ ha ihe nile ga-adakwasị ya mgbe ha ruru Jerusalem. Ọ sịrị ha, “A ga-arara m nye nꞌaka ndị isi nchụaja na ndị ozizi iwu ha ga-amakwa m ikpe ọnwụ.

and give an account of all the things that shall befall him in Jerusalem. He said, “I will be handed over to the chief priests and to the teachers of the law, and I will be condemned to death.

Emesịa, Jisọs lọghachiri nꞌụlọ nsọ ukwu Chineke, nọdụ nꞌebe ahụ na-ezi ihe. Ndị isi nchụaja na ndị ozizi iwu bịakwutere ya jụọ ya sị, “Onye nyere gị ike i ji na-eme ihe ndị a nile ị na-eme?”

Then Jesus comes back to the temple and sits there to teach. The chief priests and the teachers of the law came to him and asked, "Who gave you the authority to do all these things?"

Jisọs zakwara ha sị, “Mụ onwe m agaghị agwakwa unu onye nyere m ike ime ihe ndị a.”

Jesus replied, "I will not tell you who gave me authority to do these things."

“Ugbu a geekwanụ ntị nꞌilu ọzọ. Otu nwoke dị nke nwere ala ubi. Nwoke a kụrụ osisi oroma nꞌubi a. Ọ gbakwara ubi ya ogige, wuokwa mbadamba ebe a ga-anọ mee mmanya nꞌime ya. O wukwara ụlọ nche nꞌime ya. Mgbe o mesịrị ihe ndị a, o weere ubi ahụ tinye nꞌaka ndị ga-elekọtara ya ubi ahụ, pụọ gaa biri nꞌala ọzọ.

“Now listen to another parable. There was a man who owned a plot of land. The man planted an orange tree in the garden. He also built his own garden and set up a wine cellar. And he built towers in it. After doing these things, he placed the garden in the care of the gardeners, and went away to live in another country.

Related Words
íképower, strength, ability
Near-By Words
ígwēsky, chief


Translates to


(physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation
"the light was filtered through a soft glass window"
Not to be Confused With

Ndị mmadụ adịghị amụnye iheọkụ dọnye ya nꞌokpuru igbe, kama a na-adọkwasị ya nꞌelu ihe ịdọba iheọkụ, ka o nye ndị nile nọ nꞌụlọ ahụ ìhè.

People do not light a lamp and put it under a box, but on a stand, to give light to everyone in the house.

“Anya unu dị ka iheọkụ nke anụ ahụ unu. Ọ bụrụkwa na anya gị adịrị ọcha, obi gị ga-ejupụta nꞌìhè.

“Your eyes are as a piece of the body. And if your eyes are pure, your heart will be full of light.

Ihe m na-agwa unu ugbu a na nzuzo, kọsaanụ ya mgbe chi bọrọ. Ihe m ji nwayọọ mee ka ọ baa unu na ntị, nọdụnụ nꞌelu ụlọ tisasịa ya.

“What I say to you in the dark, say in the light of the night. What I quietly bring you to my ears, sit on the floor to break it down.

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Near-By Words