
Want to know what "igwe" means in Igbo? View the translations below.


Translates to


a heavy ductile magnetic metallic element; is silver-white in pure form but readily rusts; used in construction and tools and armament; plays a role in the transport of oxygen by the blood
Not to be Confused With
ígwēsky, chief
ìgwèmultitude, crowd

Nꞌoge anyasị ụbọchị ahụ, ndị na-eso ụzọ ya bịakwutere ya sị ya, “Chi na-achọ iji, ebe a abụkwaghị ebe ndị mmadụ bi. O nweghị nri a ga-azụta nꞌọzara a. Zilaga igwe mmadụ ndị a ka ha gaa nꞌime obodo zụọra onwe ha nri.”

Later that evening, the disciples came to him and said, “The hour is coming, and here is no place for people. There is no food to buy in this wilderness. Send these people to the city to feed themselves. ”

Jisọs kpọrọ ndị na-eso ụzọ ya sị ha, “Ana m emere igwe mmadụ ndị a ebere, nꞌihi na mụ na ha anọọla abalị atọ nꞌebe a, ma ha eribeghị nri ọ bụla. Agaghị m ezilaga ha na-erighị nri, nꞌihi na ụfọdụ ha nwere ike ịda nꞌụzọ.”

Jesus called his disciples and said to them, "I feel sorry for the people, because I have stayed with them for three days and they have not eaten anything. I will not send them malnourished, because some of them may be lost along the way. ”

O weere beredi asaa na azụ ole na ole ahụ kelee Chineke ekele. Ọ nyawasịrị ha, nye ndị na-eso ụzọ ya. Ndị na-eso ụzọ ya nyekwara igwe mmadụ ahụ.

He thanked God for seven bucks and a few fish. He split them, giving them to his disciples. The disciples also gave the crowd.

Near-By Words
ígwēsky, chief


Translates to


the head of a tribe or clan


the atmosphere and outer space as viewed from the earth
Not to be Confused With
ìgwèmultitude, crowd
Related Words
Near-By Words


Translates to
crowd (of) 


a large number of things or people considered together
"a crowd of insects assembled around the flowers"


a large indefinite number
"a battalion of ants"
"a multitude of TV antennas"
"a plurality of religions"
Not to be Confused With
ígwēsky, chief

Mgbe Jisọs hụrụ igwe mmadụ ahụ, o rigooro nꞌelu ugwu.

When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up the mountain.

Okwu a juru Jisọs anya nke ukwuu. Ọ gwara igwe mmadụ ahụ okwu sị ha, “Nꞌezie, ahụbeghị m okwukwe dị otu a ebe ọ bụla, ọ bụladị nꞌala Izirel nile.

Jesus is astounded. He told the crowd, "Of course, I have not seen this kind of faith anywhere, not even in all of Israel.

Mgbe Jisọs chụpụrụ mmụọ ọjọọ ahụ, onye ogbi ahụ bidoro ikwu okwu. Ibubo nwụrụ igwe mmadụ nọ nꞌebe ahụ nꞌahụ. Ha sịrị, “Anyị ahụbeghị ihe dị otu a na ndụ anyị nile.”

When Jesus expelled the demon, the mute started to speak. Crowds died in the crowd. They said, "We have never seen anything like this in our lives."

Mgbe ọ hụrụ igwe mmadụ nile na-abịakwute ya, o nwere ọmiko nꞌahụ ha, nꞌihi na ha bụ ndị a na-esogbu, ndị na-enweghị onye inyeaka, ndị dị ka atụrụ na-enweghị onye na-azụ ha.

When he saw the crowds coming to him, he was moved with pity for them, because they were oppressed, having no helper, and they were as sheep without a shepherd.

Mgbe ndị ahụ Jọn zitere lara, Jisọs bidoro ịgwa igwe mmadụ nọ nꞌebe ahụ okwu banyere Jọn. Ọ jụrụ ha ajụjụ sị, “Mgbe unu gara nꞌọzara ileta Jọn gịnị ka unu lere anya na unu ga-ahụ? Ọ̀ bụ ahịhịa nke ifufe na-ebugharị?

When the messengers of John had left, Jesus began to speak to the crowds about John. He asked them, “When you went into the wilderness to see John, what did you expect to see? A reed shaken by the wind?

Ọrụ a Jisọs rụrụ juru igwe mmadụ nọ nꞌebe ahụ anya. Nꞌihi ya, ha kwuru sị, “Ọ̀ ga-abụ na nwoke a bụ Onye nzọpụta ahụ, Nwa Devidi?”

The crowds were astounded at Jesus' work. And they said, Is not this the man, the son of David?

Mgbe Jisọs nọ na-agwa igwe mmadụ ahụ okwu, nne ya na ụmụnne ya bịara guzo nꞌezi na-eche ka ha gwa ya okwu.

While Jesus was talking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood there waiting to speak to him.

Igwe mmadụ dị ukwuu bịakwutere ya, nke mere ka ọ baa nꞌime ụgbọ mmiri. Nꞌime ya ka ọ nọ na-ezi ndị mmadụ nọ nꞌọnụ mmiri ahụ na-ege ya ntị, ihe.

A large crowd came to him, and he got into a boat. In it he taught the people listening to the water in his ear.

Emesịa, Jisọs hapụrụ igwe mmadụ ahụ nꞌezi baa nꞌụlọ. Ndị na-eso ụzọ ya bịakwutere ya sị ya, “Kọwaara anyị ihe ilu ahụ ị tụrụ pụtara, ilu banyere ahịhịa puru nꞌubi a kụrụ ọka.”

Later, Jesus lets the crowds go into the house. His disciples came to him and said: "Explain the meaning of the parable to us, a parable about a field that has a field of wheat."

Mgbe Jisọs nụrụ akụkọ a, ọ banyere nꞌụgbọ mmiri gaa nꞌọzara, ebe ọ ga-anọdụrụ onwe ya. Ma igwe mmadụ ndị si obodo dị iche iche nụrụ ya soro ya, kama ha si ụzọ elu ala jeruo ebe ọ nọ.

When Jesus heard this, he entered into a boat, into the desert, where he would be by himself. But a great crowd of people from around the town had news of what had happened, and they went with Jesus on the road.

Ọ gwara igwe mmadụ ahụ ka ha nọdụ ala nꞌahịhịa. O weere ogbe beredi ise na azụ abụọ ahụ welie anya ya elu, rịọ Chineke ka ọ gọzie ha. Ọ nyawara beredi ahụ, nye ha ndị na-eso ụzọ ya ka ha kee igwe mmadụ ahụ.

He told the crowd to sit down in the grass. He lifted up his eyes to the five loaves and the two fish and asked God to bless them. He tore the bread, and gave it to his disciples to divide the crowd.

Igwe mmadụ dị ukwuu bịakwutere ya. Ha duteere ya ndị ọrịa, na ndị ngwụrọ, na ndị ìsì, na ndị aka, na ndị ụkwụ ha nwụrụ anwụ, na ndị ogbi, na ọtụtụ ndị ọzọ. Jisọs gwọkwara ha nile.

Great crowds came to him. They brought to him all the sick, the lame, the blind, the hand, the maimed, the dumb, and many others. And Jesus heals them all.

Jisọs gwara igwe mmadụ ahụ ka ha nọdụ ala.

Jesus told the crowd to sit down.

O weere beredi asaa na azụ ole na ole ahụ kelee Chineke ekele. Ọ nyawasịrị ha, nye ndị na-eso ụzọ ya. Ndị na-eso ụzọ ya nyekwara igwe mmadụ ahụ.

He thanked God for seven bucks and a few fish. He split them, giving them to his disciples. The disciples also gave the crowd.

Mgbe ha si nꞌelu ugwu ahụ rịda, ha hụrụ igwe mmadụ nọ na ndagwurugwu ugwu ahụ na-eche ha. Otu nwoke sitere nꞌetiti igwe mmadụ ahụ bịakwute Jisọs gbuo ikpere nꞌihu ya, rịọọ ya sị,

When they came down the mountain they saw a crowd of people waiting in the valley below. A man from the crowd came to Jesus and knelt in front of him, and asked him,

Igwe mmadụ dị ukwuu sooro ya. Ọ gwọkwara ndị ahụ na-esighị ike nꞌetiti ha.

A large crowd followed him. He also healed the sick among them.

Mgbe Jisọs na ndị na-eso ụzọ ya hapụsịrị Jeriko, igwe mmadụ sooro ya nꞌazụ.

After Jesus and his disciples left Jericho, a large crowd followed him.

Igwe mmadụ ahụ so Jisọs gbọchiri ha ọnụ, sị ha mechie ọnụ ha. Ma ndị ìsì ahụ nọgidesịrị ike na-eti mkpu nꞌoke olu na-asị, “Onyenwe anyị, meere anyị ebere!”

The crowd followed Jesus and said good-bye to them. But the blind men persisted with loud cries, "Lord, have mercy on us!"

Ọtụtụ nꞌime igwe mmadụ ahụ so Jisọs, tụsara uwe ha nꞌokporo ụzọ. Ndị ọzọ ghuturu alaka osisi, tụsaa ha nꞌụzọ, nꞌihu ya.

Most of the crowd followed Jesus, throwing their clothes on the road. Others cut down branches and threw them in front of him.

Ụfọdụ nꞌime igwe mmadụ ahụ nọ Jisọs nꞌihu, ndị ọzọ sokwa ya nꞌazụ. Ha nile nọkwa na-eti mkpu nꞌoke olu na-asị, “Otuto dịrị Nwa Devidi! Onye a gọziri agọzi ka onye ahụ bụ, nke na-abịa nꞌaha Onyenwe anyị! Otuto nꞌebe kachasị ihe nile elu!”

Some of the crowd was before Jesus, others were behind him. And they were all crying out, and saying, Praise the Son of David! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Praise be to the Most High! ”

Related Words
-bútùbring down
-wédàbring down
-chụ́pụ̀drive away, drive out
Near-By Words