
Want to know what "onu" means in Igbo? View the translations below.


Translates to


the opening through which food is taken in and vocalizations emerge
"he stuffed his mouth with candy"
the externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening
"she wiped lipstick from her mouth"
Not to be Confused With
ónúneck, voice

Nꞌihi na ọ bụghị unu ga-ekwu nꞌonwe unu. Kama Mmụọ nke Nna unu bi nꞌigwe ga-esite nꞌọnụ unu kwuo okwu.

For you are not to speak freely. But the Spirit of your Father who is in heaven will speak to you.

“Ndị ihu abụọ! Amụma ahụ Aịzaya buru banyere unu bụ eziokwu. Nꞌihi na Chineke sitere nꞌọnụ ya kwuo sị,

“Hypocrites! Isaiah's prophecy about you is true. For God speaketh from it, saying,

Ma ihe si mmadụ nꞌọnụ pụta na-esi ya nꞌobi apụta. Ọ bụ ihe dị otu a na-emerụ mmadụ.

But the result of a man's hearing comes from his mouth. It is something like this that harms a person.

Jisọs sịrị, “Ọ dị mma, iwu ejighị ụmụ ha. Ma otu ọ dị, achọghị m ka anyị mee ka iwe wee ha. Gaa nꞌosimiri ahụ tụnye nko azụ gị nꞌime ya. Meghee ọnụ azụ nke mbụ ị ga-egbute. Ị ga-ahụ otu mkpụrụ ego nꞌime ọnụ ya. Were ya nye ha, ka ọ bụrụ ụtụ nke mụ na gị.”

Jesus said, “Well, their children are not obliged. However, I don't want us to make them angry. Go to the river and throw your fish hook into it. Open the back of the first cut. You will find a coin in its mouth. Give it to them, and I will give it to you. ”

“Ọ jụrụ ya ajụjụ sị, ‘Enyi m, i si aṅaa bata nꞌebe a mgbe ị na-eyighị uwe ọlụlụ di na nwụnye?’ Nwoke ahụ mechiri ọnụ ya nꞌihi na o nweghị ihe ọ ga-asa.

"He asked her, 'Friend, how did you get in here when you didn't have a wedding gown?' The man shut his mouth because he had nothing to wash.

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Translates to


the emotion of great happiness
Not to be Confused With
ónúneck, voice

Ṅụrịanụ ọṅụ nꞌihi ya. Ka obi tọọkwa unu ụtọ. Nꞌihi na ụgwụ ọrụ unu ga-adị ukwuu nꞌeluigwe. Chetanụ na e si nꞌụzọ dị otu a sogbuo ndị amụma bu unu ụzọ.

Rejoice over it. You too will be happy. For the end of your days shall be great in heaven. Remember that the prophets who preceded you were persecuted in this way.

Mkpụrụ nke dara nꞌala nkume nkume nọchiri anya obi mmadụ onye nụrụ ozi ọma ahụ, jirikwa oke ọṅụ nabata ya.

The seed falling on rocky ground represents the heart of a person who hears the good news and receives it with great joy.

Ọ bụrụkwa na ọ chọta ya, gịnị ka ọ ga-eme? Ọ ga-aṅụrị ọṅụ nꞌihi otu atụrụ a karịa iri atụrụ toolu na toolu ndị nọ nꞌụlọ.

And if she finds it, what will she do? He will rejoice over this one sheep more than eating sheep and peas in the house.

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Translates to


the distinctive quality or pitch or condition of a person's speech
"A shrill voice sounded behind us"
the sound made by the vibration of vocal folds modified by the resonance of the vocal tract
"a singer takes good care of his voice"
"the giraffe cannot make any vocalizations"
a means or agency by which something is expressed or communicated
"the voice of the law"
"the Times is not the voice of New York"
"conservatism has many voices"


the part of an organism (human or animal) that connects the head to the rest of the body
"he admired her long graceful neck"
"the horse won by a neck"
Not to be Confused With
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