
Want to know what "otu" means in Igbo? View the translations below.


Translates to


Not to be Confused With
ótúway, manner

Matiu bụ otu nꞌime ndị ikom iri na abụọ ahụ na-eso ụzọ Kraịst. Ihe o dere nꞌakwụkwọ a bụ ihe ndị ahụ ọ hụrụ anya, na nke o ji ntị ya nụrụ. Ọkpụrụkpụ okwu Matiu ji mere isi akụkọ dị nꞌakwụkwọ a bụ Alaeze Chineke, ya na ihe nile Jisọs Kraịst ziri banyere ya. Ihe Matiu bu nꞌobi mgbe o dere akwụkwọ a bụ igosi na Jisọs Kraịst bụ onye mezụrụ ihe nile e buru nꞌamụma nꞌAgba Ochie nke Baịbụlụ Nsọ.

Matthew was one of the twelve disciples of Christ. What he has written in this book is about the things he has seen and heard. Matthew's central theme in this book is the Kingdom of God, with all that Jesus Christ taught about it. Matthew's goal in writing this is to prove that Jesus Christ is the one who fulfilled all the Old Testament prophecies.

Otu ụbọchị, mgbe Jisọs na-agafe nꞌakụkụ osimiri Galili, ọ hụrụ ụmụnne abụọ, Saịmọn onye a na-akpọ Pita, na Anduru nwanne ya, ndị ọrụ ha bụ igbu azụ, ebe ha nọ nꞌụgbọ mmiri na-egbu azụ.

One day when Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter, and his brother Andrew.

Nꞌihi nke a, ọ bụrụ na anya gị achọọ iduba gị na mmehie, ghụpụ ya tufuo. Ọ kaara gị mma na i ji otu anya baa nꞌalaeze eluigwe karịa na i ji anya abụọ baa nꞌọkụ ala mmụọ.

Because of this, if your eyes try to lead you into sin, throw it away. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of heaven with one eye than with two eyes to go to hell.

Ọ bụrụ na aka nri gị achọọ ime ka i mehie, gbupu ya tufuo. Ọ kaara gị mma na i ji otu aka baa nꞌalaeze eluigwe karịa na i ji aka abụọ baa nꞌọkụ.

If your right hand wants to make you sin, get rid of it. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of heaven with one hand than with two hands.

Ma ana m asị unu alụsịla onye na-achọ imeru unu ahụ ọgụ. Kama ọ bụrụ na mmadụ akụọ gị aka nꞌotu nti, tụgharịara ya nti nke ọzọ.

But I say to you that you must not divorce the one who is trying to harm you. Instead, if someone hits you, turn to the other person.

“Ọ dịghị onye ọ bụla pụrụ ife nna ukwu abụọ, nꞌihi na ọ ghaghị ịhụ otu nꞌime ha nꞌanya, kpọọkwa nke ọzọ asị. Otu a kwa i nweghị ike ife Chineke na ego otu mgbe ahụ.

“No one can serve two masters, for he must love one of them and hate the other. You cannot serve God and money at the same time.

Otu onye ọzọ nꞌime ndị so ya na-agagharị gwara ya okwu sị ya, “Aga m eso gị, kama kwere ka m buru ụzọ gaa lie nna m.”

Another one of the traveling men spoke to him and said, "I will follow you, but allow me first to go and bury my father."

Mgbe Jisọs si nꞌebe ahụ pụọ ịga nꞌihu nꞌije ya, ọ hụrụ otu nwoke a na-akpọ Matiu ka ọ nọ nꞌụlọ ebe ọ nọ na-arụ ọrụ ịnakọta ụtụ. Jisọs kpọrọ ya sị ya, “Soro m bịa bụrụ otu nꞌime ndị na-eso ụzọ m.” Na-atụfughị oge Matiu hapụrụ ihe nile soro ya.

As Jesus left the place to go for his trip, he found a man named Matthew sitting in the house where he was working. Jesus invited him, saying, “Come with me to one of my disciples.” Not to miss the moment that Matthew left everything behind.

Ọ bụ otu kobo ka a na-ere ụmụ nza abụọ, ma otu nꞌime ha agaghị ada nꞌala ma ọ bụrụ na nna unu bi nꞌeluigwe amaghị.

Two sparrows are sold for one coin, but not one of them will go down if your heavenly father does not know.

Chetakwanụ nke a! Onye ọ bụla kunyere otu nꞌime ndị a na-eso ụzọ m mmiri oyi ka ọ ṅụọ, nꞌihi na ọ bụ onye na-eso ụzọ m, ga-anata ụgwọ ọrụ ya.”

Remember this! For whoever causes one of these to drink of this water to drink, for he is my disciple, he will receive his reward. ”

Ma Jisọs zara ha sị, “Ọ bụrụ na otu onye nꞌime unu enwee otu atụrụ danyere nꞌime olulu nꞌụbọchị izuike gịnị ka ọ ga-eme? Ọ̀ ga-ahapụ ya nꞌebe ahụ? Ọ gaghị agbalị wepụta ya?

But Jesus answered them, “If one of you has a sheep with a pit on the Sabbath day, what will he do? Will he leave her there? Won't he try to figure it out?

Otu a kwa, ọ bụrụ na ụfọdụ mmụọ ọjọọ nꞌime alaeze ekwensu na-alụso ibe ha ọgụ na-emegide ha, nke a na-egosi ha ọdịda alaeze ahụ adịghị anya, nꞌihi na nkewa dị egwu abatala nꞌime alaeze ahụ.

Likewise, if some demons in the kingdom of the devil are fighting against one another, this shows them the fall of the kingdom, for a terrible division has come into the kingdom.

Onye na-adịghị adịnyere m na-emegide m. Otu a kwa, onye na-adịghị enyere m aka ikpokọta ekpokọta na-achụsasị achụsasị.

He who is not with me is against me. Also, the one that does not help me assemble the pieces is scattered.

Otu onye nꞌime igwe mmadụ ahụ gwara Jisọs okwu sị ya, “Lee nne gị na ụmụnne gị na-achọ ịhụ gị nꞌezi. Ha chọrọ ịgwa gị okwu.”

One of the people spoke to Jesus and said to Him, "Behold, Your mother and Your brothers are seeking to see You." They want to talk to you. ”

Ma nꞌotu abalị, mgbe onye ọrụ ubi ahụ nọ nꞌụra, onye iro ya gara nꞌubi ahụ kụọ mkpụrụ na-epu ahịhịa nꞌetiti ezi mkpụrụ ọka ahụ ọ kụrụ.

Then, one evening at the farmer's meal, his enemy went out into the fields and gleaned among the fine seed.

Ma otu ụbọchị, mgbe a na-eme mmemme icheta ọmụmụ Herọd, ada Herọd, nke Herodias mụtara, tere egwu nꞌihu nna ya Herọd, na nꞌihu ndị ọbịa bịara nꞌụbọchị ahụ. Obi tọrọ Herọd ụtọ nke ukwuu.

But one day, during the celebration of the birth of Herod, Herod's daughter, whom Herodias had learned, feared before his father Herod, and in the presence of strangers that day. Herod was very happy.

Otu ụbọchị, ndị Farisii na ndị Sadusii bịakwutere Jisọs ịnwa ya ọnwụnwa. Ha gwara Jisọs sị ya, “Gosi anyị ihe ịrịba ama si nꞌelu, nke ga-ezi anyị na ị bụ onye ị sị na ị bụ.”

One day the Pharisees and the Sadducees came to Jesus to tempt him. They said to Jesus, "Show us a sign from the sky that will tell us who you are."

Ha zara sị ya, “Ụfọdụ na-asị na ị bụ Jọn omee baptizim, ụfọdụ na-asị na ị bụ Ịlaịja, ndị ọzọ na-asịkwa na ị bụ Jeremaya, ma ọ bụ otu nꞌime ndị amụma.”

They replied, "Some say that you are John the Baptist, some say that you are Elijah, and others that you are Jeremiah or one of the prophets."

Mgbe ahụ Pita tiri mkpu nꞌoke olu sị, “Onyenwe anyị! Ọ dị mma ka anyị nile nọdụ nꞌebe a! Ọ bụrụ na ị ga-enye m ike, aga m ewu ọnụ ụlọ atọ nꞌebe a. Otu nꞌime ụlọ ndị a ga-abụ nke gị, otu nke Mosisi, nke ọzọ nke Ịlaịja.”

Then Peter cried out with a loud voice, “Lord! It is good that we all sit here! If you will give me the strength, I will build three rooms here. One of these houses will be yours, the one for Moses and the other for Elijah. ”

Ma ọ bụrụ na onye ọ bụla nꞌime unu emee ka otu nꞌime ndị a dị nta, bụ ndị tụkwasịrị m obi, daa mba nꞌokwukwe ya, ọ kaara onye ahụ mma na e kedoro ya nkume nꞌolu, tụnye ya nꞌoke osimiri ka mmiri rie ya.

But if any of you trust me, one of these little ones who have lost faith in him, it is better for him that a stone is laid on a rock, and he may be cast into a river.

Related Words
Near-By Words
ótúway, manner
ózímessage, errand


Translates to


how something is done or how it happens
"her dignified manner"
"his rapid manner of talking"
"their nomadic mode of existence"
"in the characteristic New York style"
"a lonely way of life"
"in an abrasive fashion"


how something is done or how it happens
"her dignified manner"
"his rapid manner of talking"
"their nomadic mode of existence"
"in the characteristic New York style"
"a lonely way of life"
"in an abrasive fashion"
Not to be Confused With

Akwụkwọ ozi ọma anọ malitere Tesitamenti Ọhụrụ kọrọ akụkọ otu Jisọs Kraịst si bie ndụ Ya nꞌụwa. Akwụkwọ anọ ndị a gosiri anyị ụzọ anọ ndị ozi Kraịst si hụ ma ghọta obibi ndụ Kraịst ahụ.

The four Gospels that start the New Testament tell the story of how Jesus Christ lived. These four books show four ways in which the apostles of Christ saw and understood the life of Christ.

Mgbe o ruru Galili, ha gara biri nꞌobodo nta Nazaret. Site nꞌụzọ dị otu a, ihe ndị amụma kwuru banyere Onye nzọpụta mezuru. Nꞌihi na ha buru amụma sị, “A ga-akpọ ya onye Nazaret.”

When they came to Galilee, they settled in the village of Nazareth. In this way, what the prophets said about the Savior came true. Because they were saying, "He will be called a Nazarene."

Nꞌụzọ dị otu a, amụma ahụ Aịzaya buru mezuru. Amụma nke sị,

In this way, Isaiah's prophecy came true. The prophecy that says,

Ṅụrịanụ ọṅụ nꞌihi ya. Ka obi tọọkwa unu ụtọ. Nꞌihi na ụgwụ ọrụ unu ga-adị ukwuu nꞌeluigwe. Chetanụ na e si nꞌụzọ dị otu a sogbuo ndị amụma bu unu ụzọ.

Rejoice over it. You too will be happy. For the end of your days shall be great in heaven. Remember that the prophets who preceded you were persecuted in this way.

“Sinụ otu a kpee ekpere: Nna anyị nke bi nꞌeluigwe, ka e doo aha gị nsọ.

“Pray ye this way: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Mgbe ha na-aga nꞌụzọ, otu onye ekpenta bịakwutere Jisọs kpọọ isi ala nye ya, rịọ ya sị, “Onyenwe m, ọ bụrụ na ị chọrọ, ị pụrụ ime ka m dị ọcha.”

On the way, a leper came to Jesus and bowed down before him, saying, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean."

Gwọọnụ ndị ọrịa, kpọteenụ ndị nwụrụ anwụ, meenụ ka ahụ ndị ekpenta dị ọcha, chụpụkwanụ mmụọ ọjọọ. O fughị unu ihe ọ bụla ịnata ike ime ihe ndị a. Otu a kwa, meenụ ka ndị ọzọ nata nꞌaka unu nꞌefu.

Heal the sick, bring the dead back, cleanse the lepers, and expel demons. There is nothing that you would have to do. In the same way, keep others in your hands.

Ihe ọ bụla dakwasịrị onye nkuzi na-adakwasị nwanta akwụkwọ ya. Otu a kwa ohu na-eketa oke nꞌihe dakwasịrị nna ya ukwu. Ebe ha kpọrọ m ekwensu, ha ga-enyekwa unu aha ọjọọ karịrị nke a.

Anything that happens to a teacher is incriminating to her student. In the same way the servant inherits the same things that happen to his master. Since they call me devil, they will give you a worse name than this.

Ee, Nna, ọ tọrọ gị ụtọ ime ya nꞌụzọ dị otu a.

Yes, Father, it pleased you to do so in this way.

Mgbe mmụọ ọjọọ ahụ hụrụ na o si otu a dịrị, ọ na-apụ gaa chọtakwa mmụọ ọjọọ asaa ọzọ, ndị dị njọ karịa ya onwe ya. Ha nile na-abata bịa biri nꞌime nwoke ahụ, mee ka ọnọdụ ya dị njọ karịa ka ọ dị na mbụ. Otu a ka ọ ga-adịrị unu ndị bi nꞌọgbọ a jọrọ njọ.”

When the demon sees that it is so, it goes out and finds seven other spirits more evil than itself. They all come and live in the man, making his situation worse than before. That is the way it will be with you people who live in this evil age. ”

Okwu a Jisọs kwuru mere ka egwu tụọ ndị na-eso ụzọ ya. Ha sịrị, “Ọ bụrụ na o si otu a dịrị, onye kwanụ ka a ga-azọpụta?”

Jesus' disciples were terrified by his words. They said, "If this is the way it is, who can be saved?"

Mgbe Jisọs na-aga Jerusalem, ọ kpọrọ ndị na-eso ụzọ ya gaa nꞌotu akụkụ,

While on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus took some of his disciples with him and

Related Words
Near-By Words
ózímessage, errand


Translates to


any number of entities (members) considered as a unit
Not to be Confused With
ótúway, manner
Related Words
Near-By Words