
Want to know what "ugwu" means in Igbo? View the translations below.


Translates to


a land mass that projects well above its surroundings; higher than a hill


a local and well-defined elevation of the land
"they loved to roam the hills of West Virginia"
Not to be Confused With
ùgwùrespect, prestige

Ọzọ, ekwensu kpọọrọ ya gaa nꞌelu ugwu dị elu, gosi ya ụwa nile na ịma mma ya.

Again, the devil took him to a high mountain, and showed him the whole world and its beauty.

Mgbe Jisọs hụrụ igwe mmadụ ahụ, o rigooro nꞌelu ugwu.

When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up the mountain.

Unu bụ ìhè nke ụwa. Unu dị ka obodo e wuru nꞌelu ugwu nke a na-apụghị izo ezo.

You are the light of the world. You are like a city on a hill that cannot be hidden.

Ọtụtụ mmadụ sooro Jisọs mgbe o si nꞌugwu ahụ rịdata.

Many people followed Jesus when He came down from the mountain.

Mgbe ndị a lara, Jisọs rigooro nꞌugwu ikpe ekpere, nanị ya. Mgbe oge anyasị ruru, Jisọs nọkwa nꞌugwu ahụ na-ekpe ekpere, nanị ya.

When these people left, Jesus went up to the mountain to pray alone. When evening came, Jesus was in the mountain alone, praying.

Jisọs hapụrụ ebe ahụ lọghachi nꞌakụkụ osimiri Galili. Ọ rịgooro nꞌelu ugwu nꞌọdụ ala.

Jesus left the place and came near the river of Galilee. He climbed up the hill and sat down.

Mgbe ụbọchị isii gafesịrị, Jisọs kpọrọ Pita na Jemes na Jọn rigoro nꞌelu ugwu, ebe nanị ha nọdụrụ.

Six days later, Jesus takes Peter and James and John up into a mountain, and they are alone.

Mgbe ha nọ nꞌebe ahụ na-ele Jisọs anya nꞌelu ugwu ahụ, mmadụ atọ ndị a hụrụ ka anụ ahụ Jisọs gbanwere. Ihu ya nwupụrụ ọcha dị ka akpụkpọ eluigwe. Uwe ya chakwara ọcha dị ka ogho.

While they are looking at Jesus on the mountain, the three people who see Jesus' body change. His face shone as white as the sky. His clothes were as white as snow.

Na mberede, mgbe ha nọkwa na-ele ya anya, ha hụrụ Mosisi na Ịlaịja ka ha bịara soro Jisọs na-ekwurita okwu nꞌelu ugwu ahụ.

Suddenly, as they were gazing at him, they saw Moses and Elijah talking with Jesus on the mountain.

Ma mgbe ha si nꞌelu ugwu ahụ na-arịdata, Jisọs nyere ha iwu ka ha ghara ịkọrọ onye ọ bụla ihe ha hụrụ tutuu ruo mgbe o siri nꞌọnwụ bilie.

And as they were coming down from the mountain, Jesus commanded them that they should tell no one what they had seen until he had risen from the dead.

Mgbe ha si nꞌelu ugwu ahụ rịda, ha hụrụ igwe mmadụ nọ na ndagwurugwu ugwu ahụ na-eche ha. Otu nwoke sitere nꞌetiti igwe mmadụ ahụ bịakwute Jisọs gbuo ikpere nꞌihu ya, rịọọ ya sị,

When they came down the mountain they saw a crowd of people waiting in the valley below. A man from the crowd came to Jesus and knelt in front of him, and asked him,

Jisọs zara sị ha, “Ọ bụ nꞌihi na okwukwe unu nwere ehighị nne. Ọ bụrụ na unu nwere okwukwe nke dịkarịsịrị nta, nke ga-aha ka mkpụrụ mọsụtadị, unu nwere ike nye ugwu a iwu sị ya, ‘Site nꞌebe a wezụga onwe gị,’ ọ ga-apụkwa.

Jesus answered them, “Because you have little faith. If you have a faith that is too small, like a mustard seed, you can command this mountain, 'From here on out,' and it will disappear.

“Gịnị ka unu chere? Ọ bụrụ na ọ dị onye nwere narị atụrụ, ma otu nꞌime ha akapfuo, gịnị ka ọ ga-eme? Ọ̀ gaghị ahapụ iri atụrụ toolu na toolu fọdụrụ pụọ jegharịa nꞌugwu na ndịda nile, ịchọ atụrụ ahụ kpafuru akpafu?

“What do YOU think? If he had hundreds of sheep, but one of them strayed, what would he do? Will he not leave the sheep and the flock and go and wander in the mountains, in search of a stray sheep?

Mgbe Jisọs na ndị na-eso ụzọ ya na-abịaru Jerusalem nso, ha rutere obodo Betfeji nke dị nꞌugwu Olivu. Mgbe ha nọ nꞌebe ahụ Jisọs zipụrụ mmadụ abụọ nꞌime ndị na-eso ụzọ ya ka ha gaa nꞌobodo nta dị nꞌihu ha.

As Jesus and his disciples approached Jerusalem, they came to the village of Bethphage in the Mount of Olives. While they were there, Jesus sent two of his disciples to the village that was in front of them.

Jisọs zara sị ha, “Eziokwu ka m na-ekwu, mgbe m na-agwa unu sị, ọ bụrụ na unu enwee okwukwe, gharakwa inwe obi abụọ, unu ga-eme ihe karịrị nke a. Unu pụrụ inye ugwu olivu a iwu sị ya, ‘Si nꞌebe a wezuga onwe gị, gaa danye nꞌoke osimiri,’ ọ ga-emezukwa.

Jesus answered them, "I tell you the truth, when I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will do even more. You can command the Mount of Olives, and say to him, 'Get out of here, and go to the brink of the river, and it will be fulfilled.'

Related Words
Near-By Words
úgwōdebt, wage
úlùprofit, point, benefit


Translates to


a high standing achieved through success or influence or wealth etc.
"he wanted to achieve power and prestige"


an attitude of admiration or esteem
"she lost all respect for him"
the condition of being honored (esteemed or respected or well regarded)
"it is held in esteem"
"a man who has earned high regard"
Not to be Confused With
úgwúhill, mountain
Related Words
Near-By Words
ùgòeagle, honor


Translates to


the act of circumcising; surgical removal of the foreskin of males
Not to be Confused With
ùgwùrespect, prestige
úgwúhill, mountain
Related Words
-túfùthrow away
Near-By Words
úgwōdebt, wage
úgwúhill, mountain
úlùprofit, point, benefit