
Want to know what "aka" means in Igbo? View the translations below.


Translates to


the (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb
"he had the hands of a surgeon"
"he extended his mitt"

Ọ bụrụ na aka nri gị achọọ ime ka i mehie, gbupu ya tufuo. Ọ kaara gị mma na i ji otu aka baa nꞌalaeze eluigwe karịa na i ji aka abụọ baa nꞌọkụ.

If your right hand wants to make you sin, get rid of it. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of heaven with one hand than with two hands.

Mgbe unu chọrọ ịrụ ọrụ ebere, mmenụ ya na nzuzo. Ekwela ka aka ekpe gị mata ihe aka nri gị na-achọ ime.

When you want to do something charitable, do it secretly. Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is trying to do.

Jisọs bikwasịrị ya aka sị ya, “Achọrọr m ka ị dị ọcha, dịrịkwa ọcha.” Ngwangwa ekpenta ahụ lara.

Jesus laid his hands on him and said, “I want you to be clean and pure.” The leprosy vanished.

Gwọọnụ ndị ọrịa, kpọteenụ ndị nwụrụ anwụ, meenụ ka ahụ ndị ekpenta dị ọcha, chụpụkwanụ mmụọ ọjọọ. O fughị unu ihe ọ bụla ịnata ike ime ihe ndị a. Otu a kwa, meenụ ka ndị ọzọ nata nꞌaka unu nꞌefu.

Heal the sick, bring the dead back, cleanse the lepers, and expel demons. There is nothing that you would have to do. In the same way, keep others in your hands.

“Nna m enyefeela m ihe nile nꞌaka. Ọ dịghị onye maara Ọkpara ahụ ma ọ bụghị Nna ya. Ọ dịkwaghị onye maara Nna karịa Ọkpara ahụ na ndị Ọkpara ahụ kwadoro igosi Nna ya.

“My Father has given me everything I need. No one knows the Son but the Father. No one knows the Father better than the Son and the Son approve to show the Father.

Nꞌebe a ka ọ hụrụ otu nwoke aka ya kpọnwụrụ akpọnwụ. Ndị nọ nꞌebe ahụ jụrụ ya ajụjụ sị ya, “O ziri ezi nꞌiwu ịgwọ mmadụ nꞌụbọchị izuike?”

Here he saw a man with a withered hand. Those around him asked him, "Is it right to heal on the Sabbath?"

Ọ kpọrọ nwoke ahụ aka ya kpọnwụrụ akpọnwụ sị ya, “Setipụ aka gị!” Nwoke ahụ setipụrụ aka ya. Aka ahụ dịkwara ya mma dị ka aka nke ọzọ.

He called out to the man with the paralyzed hand and said, “Stretch out your hand!” The man reached out his hand. The hand was as good as the other hand.

“Onye a bụ ohu m, onye m họpụtara. Onye m hụkwara nꞌanya. Ọ bụkwa onye ihe ya na-atọ m ụtọ. Aga m etinye mmụọ m nꞌime ya. Ọ ga-eme ka ikpe ziri ezi rute mba nile aka.

“This is my servant, whom I have chosen. Whom I love. He is also my find. I'll put my spirit in it. Justice will reach all the nations.

Na-atụfụghị oge, Jisọs setipụrụ aka ya dọpụta Pita. Ọ gwara Pita okwu sị ya, “Lee ka okwukwe gị siri dị nta! Gịnị mere i ji nwee obi abụọ?”

Without delay, Jesus stretched out his hand to release Peter. He said to Peter, “How little your faith is! Why do you doubt? ”

Ha jụrụ ya sị, “Gịnị mere ndị na-eso ụzọ gị adịghị erube isi nꞌomenala ndị okenye anyị? Tupuu mmadụ erie nri, ọ bụ omenala anyị na onye ahụ ga-ebu ụzọ kwọọ aka. Ma ndị na-eso ụzọ gị adịghị eme nke a.”

They asked him, “Why do your disciples not obey the tradition of our elders? Before a person eats, it is our custom to wash the hands of the person first. But your disciples don't do this. ”

Igwe mmadụ dị ukwuu bịakwutere ya. Ha duteere ya ndị ọrịa, na ndị ngwụrọ, na ndị ìsì, na ndị aka, na ndị ụkwụ ha nwụrụ anwụ, na ndị ogbi, na ọtụtụ ndị ọzọ. Jisọs gwọkwara ha nile.

Great crowds came to him. They brought to him all the sick, the lame, the blind, the hand, the maimed, the dumb, and many others. And Jesus heals them all.

Ma Ịlaịja abịalarị, ma ndị mmadụ amataghị ya. Kama ọtụtụ mmaụ emeela ya ihe ọjọọ dị iche iche. Otu a kwa ka mụ onwe m bụ Nwa nke mmadụ ga-esi hụọ ahụhụ site nꞌaka ha.”

But Elijah had already arrived, and people did not know him. But many knives have done him bad things. And I, the Son of man, suffer through their hands. "

Mgbe ha nọ na Galili, Jisọs gwara ha sị, “A ga-arara m bụ nwa nke mmadụ nye nꞌaka ndị ga-egbu m.

While in Galilee, Jesus told them, “I will be delivered into the hands of men who kill me.

Nꞌihi nke a, ọ bụrụ na aka gị ma ọ bụ ụkwụ gị ga-eme ka i mehie, gbupụ ya tufuokwa ya. Ọ kaara gị mma na ị ga-abanye nꞌalaeze eluigwe na-enweghị ụkwụ na aka, karịa na ị ga-enwe aka na ụkwụ ma banye nꞌọkụ ala mmụọ.

For this reason, if your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. You are better off entering the Kingdom of Heaven with no hands and feet, than with hands and feet with hell.

“Ma mgbe ohu ahụ sitere nꞌihu eze ahụ pụọ, o jekwuuru otu nwoke ji ya ụgwọ otu puku naịra. O jidere ya nꞌaka ike, machie ya aka nꞌakpịrị, sị ya, ‘Kwụghachi m ụgwọ i ji m ugbu a!’

“But when the slave went out from the presence of the king, he went to the man who owed him a thousand denarii. He grabbed her by the arm and wrapped her arms around him and said, 'Give me back your debt now!'

Jisọs bikwasịrị ha aka nꞌisi gọzie ha nile tupuu ọ hapụ ha pụọ.

Jesus laid his hands on them and blessed them all, leaving them behind.

kọọrọ ha ihe nile ga-adakwasị ya mgbe ha ruru Jerusalem. Ọ sịrị ha, “A ga-arara m nye nꞌaka ndị isi nchụaja na ndị ozizi iwu ha ga-amakwa m ikpe ọnwụ.

and give an account of all the things that shall befall him in Jerusalem. He said, “I will be handed over to the chief priests and to the teachers of the law, and I will be condemned to death.

Ha ga-arara m nye nꞌaka ndị mba ọzọ ndị ga-eji m mee ihe ọchị, ndị ga-apịakwa m ihe, kpọgide m nꞌobe. Ma aga m esite nꞌọnwụ bilie mgbe ụbọchị atọ gafere.”

They will hand me over to foreigners who will make fun of me and beat me up. But three days later I will rise from the dead. ”

Ma Jisọs zara sị ha, “Nꞌezie unu nwere ike ịṅụ site nꞌiko ahụ, ma ọ dịghị nꞌike aka m ịsị na unu ga-anọ nꞌaka nri m, ma ọ bụ nꞌaka ekpe m. Ọnọdụ dị otu a, nke unu na-arịọ, bụ nke Nna m debere iche nye ndị ọ họpụtara.”

And Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye may drink of the cup, but I cannot tell you to abide at my right hand, or at my left hand. Such is the position of which you are asking, which my Father has set apart to those whom He has appointed. ”

Ndị nọ nꞌebe ahụ zara sị ya, “Ọ ga-egbu ndị ajọ omume ahụ, laa ha nꞌiyi nꞌụzọ dị njọ. Ọ ga-ewerekwa ubi ya tinye nꞌaka ndị nlekọta ọzọ, ndị ga-enyekwa ya mkpụrụ ubi ruuru ya nꞌoge ya.”

“Those who are evil, he will kill them,” they answered. He will put his field in the care of the other men, who will give him the fruit in his season. "

Related Words
Near-By Words
ájọ̄bad, evil
ájị́hair, fur
áká ńnīright, right hand
áká ńrīright, right hand


Translates to


the hard stony skeleton of a Mediterranean coral that has a delicate red or pink color and is used for jewelry
Not to be Confused With
Near-By Words
ájọ̄bad, evil
ájị́hair, fur
áká ńnīright, right hand
áká ńrīright, right hand