
Want to know what "aja" means in Igbo? View the translations below.


Translates to


a loose material consisting of grains of rock or coral

“Ma ndị nile nụrụ okwu ndị a, ma lefuo ha anya, bụ ndị nzuzu. Ha dị ka nwoke wuru ụlọ ya nꞌelu aja.

“But as many as hear these things, and disregard them, are foolish. They are like the man who built his house upon the sand.

Ma ụfọdụ nꞌime ha dara nꞌala dị nkume nkume. Ọ dịghị anya ha pupụtara, too, nꞌihi na aja dị nꞌebe ahụ emighị emi.

But some of them fell on rocky ground. It didn't take long for them to grow up, because the sand there was shallow.

Related Words
ànị̀ground, land
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Translates to


the act of killing (an animal or person) in order to propitiate a deity
Not to be Confused With

hapụ onyinye gị nꞌebe ịchụ aja laa ka gị na nwanne gị kpezie. Mgbe unu dịrị nꞌudo, laghachi bịa nye onyinye gị.

Abandon your gift of sacrifice and make peace with your brother. When you are safe, come back and give your gift.

Ọ bụrụ na unu ghọtara ihe akwụkwọ nsọ na-ekwu mgbe ọ na-asị, ‘Achọrọ m ka unu buru ndị na-eme ebere karịa ndị na-achụ aja’, unu agaghị ama ndị ikpe na-amaghị ikpe.

If you understand what the Bible says when it says, 'I want you to be more merciful than sacrifices', you will not condemn the innocent.

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